Fury Road, John Wick, F is for Family, The Ranch, Wolf of Wallstreet, and like anything prior to 2000 was written without much if any SJW presence in the creative end. If you really want to see how the mind virus took root in real time, just compare season one (and most of two) of the Flash with everything that followed. SJWs do not make bad writers on the face of it, but if they have total power it turns to shit. Exhibit A Steven Universe was a mildly entertaining show with some SJW themes at the outset and now its a neverending tranny propaganda cartoon. Meanwhile, Gumball on the same fucking network run by shitlords is killing it in the ratings.
Orville is actually a solid example of a show with SJW themes but with some good shitlord balance, which is what peak Star Trek should also be.