also wouldn't object to them doing a CGI alec guiness and making a saber fight that isn't totally awful.
/threadthey should re-remaster the trilogy and replace alec guiness with ewan mcgregor, digitally insert jake lloyd into all vader mask off scenes, digitally insert a whole lot more pod racing because who doesn't love pod racing, enhance yoda so he can flip and do cool skater tricks on Degobah, change Chewbacca to be a girl and remove all the fur and put her into a nice pant suit because women are funny, get over it. She can talk about her vagina and how much sex she has with black guys like lando
also adding jar jar binks as an old gungan living on cloud city would be fantastic, he could yell out OH NOOSA NOTTA AGAINA as storm troopers attack
. . . you do realize that the light sabers and lazer blasts wasnt cgi? bunch of dudes drawing on the negatives in post.
bottom line, the problem is that although Disney bought Lucasfilm outright, Fox retains distribution rights to the unedited Ep 4 (ANH) and has very little reason to sell those rights off to Disney to allow them to do something like this. On top of that, according to many, there might not even exist a clean copy of the originial ep 4, and it would have to be reverse engineered at this point. Lucas made a lot of mistakes in making the special editions.
they should re-remaster the trilogy and replace alec guiness with ewan mcgregor, digitally insert jake lloyd into all vader mask off scenes, digitally insert a whole lot more pod racing because who doesn't love pod racing, enhance yoda so he can flip and do cool skater tricks on Degobah, change Chewbacca to be a girl and remove all the fur and put her into a nice pant suit because women are funny, get over it. She can talk about her vagina and how much sex she has with black guys like lando
also adding jar jar binks as an old gungan living on cloud city would be fantastic, he could yell out OH NOOSA NOTTA AGAINA as storm troopers attack
yeah, i dont follow the star wars community, i just was hoping to watch the movie i loved as a kid in something besides the 20 and 30 year old VHS tapes i own again.Decided to go ahead at watch the vid in the OP and see they're discussing an article from the Making Star Wars site. No wonder ...
MSW broke a lot of accurate info in the lead up to TFA. They had some solid sources that were willing to share what they had back then. But Lucasfilm has clearly tightened up things on their end . It was clear before R1 was released and it's even clearer now. I believe I also read somewhere that Disney/Lucasfilm let the guys that run MSW know of their displeasure by denying them press passes to their events since then, so they're probably gun shy on breaking anything truly noteworthy now.
So what you see more of on their site these days is rehashed info that comes out someplace else first (what little of it that there is) and speculation pieces that give the impression that they still have some connects but contain very little in the way of actual hard info. That article the video cited read like they were still trying to pass off the 4K original Ep 4 talk from back in December as the basis for credible rumors.