... ugh. It might be the worst of the season. It's close between it and "The Iron Squadron". I'll give the honor to this one because, as a kid's show, Iron Squadron was indulging that audience. This week's was the creative team indulging their own love for the Chopper character and trying to channel the droids as villains vibe from Doctor Aphra through him.
It's also puts their formula for filler episodes on full display. Throw in a fan favorite throw back character (Wedge, where has he been all season?) and drop some sort of nugget (the Lothal security codes) that let's Filoni and co. pretend that the episode is somehow relevant to the broader story.
That ending though, with Hera amplifying the single through Chopper to blow up the Imperial ship. My eyes can't roll over far enough for that. Don't screw with her droid ... we get it but that was George Lucas levels of bad.