Star Wars Rebels


Throbbing Member
Good episode. Nice to see Sabine getting some raid loot for once.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
fantastic last 15 minutes of that episode. Sabine has been my favorite from the start, her acknowledging how messed up her backstory and family history has been was really emotional with the music they scored the scene with. Really awesome.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Another thing that struck me during the recent episode was the music. Much of it was decidedly not Star Warsy and yet it fit perfectly and really added to the mood of the scenes. They need to let Kevin Kiner soundtrack one of the feature films. The guy has earned it over the course of the two animated series.
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Trakanon Raider
Agreed, I don't know if it was her story, the acting, the music, or a combination but I felt real emotions at the end. I haven't rewatched many Rebels epidodes but I may on this one.

I wanted a Bendu scene, but perhaps we'll find out Sabine has Force abilities. Bendu seems to give zero effs what's going on except when it's force related. #E+S=R bitches


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Agreed, I don't know if it was her story, the acting, the music, or a combination but I felt real emotions at the end. I haven't rewatched many Rebels epidodes but I may on this one.

You'd might as well rewatch it. It's gonna be a month before a new episode comes out.

And it holds up well on a second or third go around (I've rewatched it twice and I rarely rewatch them myself).


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
on third watch, this may be one of my top 3 or so of the whole series. Sabine is just so complex a character and her arc from the first few episodes of season 1 is going to be massive once this series ends, and this episode was the rocket taking off on her new trajectory. Hera is so completely in tune with her team and that is really cool. Lost in this Sabine centric episode though might be Kanan, who was like 12 when Order 66 happened and he went into hiding. He is becoming an incredibly wise badass and that last 5 minutes was almost as much about him becoming a true master as it was Sabine coming to grips with her past. And on top of all that, I think I am starting to understand Chopper. I love this series.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
It's one of my favorite episodes of the whole series as well. Not most favorite but it's in the cream of the crop.

Star Wars fans tend to fall along a spectrum of those who value world building to the point of being very forgiving of shortcomings in storytelling to those who are much the opposite; wanting quality storytelling even at the expense of expanding the lore (or maybe world building is a larger component of good storytelling for one than it is the other would be a better way of putting it). This episode was a near perfect balance between the two extremes. There was a lot of lore packed into it while the proper attention was paid to making these characters more compelling, particularly one that had been rather one note for some time now. And even though I would hesitate to call it action packed, the type of action it offered was enhanced by seeing the characters grow in the midst of it.

This episode could serve as a blueprint for everything they do going forward, in the movies and on television.
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That guy
Finally caught up on this, like it a lot. There any reason for me to finish watching Clone Wars? I finished seasons 1 and 2 and there's just too damn many episodes so I jumped in to Rebels instead of finishing.

Also, god damn did they nail everything about Thrawn. He's exactly as I imagined him via the books that I read forever ago.


Trakanon Raider
I would recommend watching Clone Wars, there are many fantastic episodes all the way up to and including season 6.
They provide a lot of back story for characters in Rebels such as Rex and Ahsoka, Maul, Saw.. which really sets up whats going on in Rebels season 2 and 3.
Plus the last couple of seasons of Clone Wars do a much better job of showing why Anakin turned against the Jedi than the movies did - not that that's saying much.


That guy
Guess I'll finish up then. It's sad how much of a better job Clone Wars does than the prequel trilogy did in terms of... well everything. I do think I'm enjoying Rebels more though, since Thrawn being adapted on the screen has been a dream of every Star Wars nerd forever and he's an excellent choice for a long running villain. Kallus is another character I thought was a total shitbag at first but seeing him develop has been a nice touch, but with Thrawn sniffing his ass I wonder how much longer he can last.


Derives Perverse Pleasure
<Gold Donor>
I pretty much agree with everything sakkath said 100% I only have one thing to add. Whatever you do, for the love of god, skip the droid arc during season 5. It's like four episodes long and pure aids.


Trakanon Raider
skip the droid arc during season 5. It's like four episodes long and pure aids.
Somewhat agree although it's one of my friends favourite story arcs so different people enjoy different aspects of the show. A lot of people didn't like the Yoda arc in season 6 as well, but for others its a highlight of the series.
But it's hard to find people who didn't like the Eminence, Wrong Jedi and Orders arcs from seasons 5 & 6 though.. all amazing stuff.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
absolutely watch as much of Clone Wars as you can, assuming the arc grabs you. There are, as mentioned above, certain arcs that aren't by any stretch spectacular. On the other hand, there are some that are incredibly fantastic. Do not miss the Betrayal arc involving Ahsoka in season 5, and as I recall the start of season 5 is an arc in which a Clone Trooper malfunctions and goes Order 66 preemptively which was very cool too. Long story short, and what I tell all my co-workers about catching up on the series is...don't feel bad about skipping a few episodes here and there, but the rest is so worth it.
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Tranny Chaser
Clone Wars was so good by the end that I would have loved to have seen the result of handing the top level outline of Episode III to Dave Filoni and co and see what they came up with. Not only would the dialogue been a lot better, but the timescale of Episode III would have worked as a series of episodes rather than one continuous 2 hour narrative.

2 part episode for the capture and rescue of Palpatine, mid season cliffhanger for Order 66, followed by several that showed various situations triggered by it,one episode for the break-in at the Jedi Temple to shut off the beacon etc. Could even have the whole Padme pregnancy be the straw that causes Anakin to snap, but do it as a slow burn over half a season as he worries about his visions.
Clone Wars gave a much darker view of the failings of the Republic and of the Jedi order vs the sudden "well let's make Palpatine emperor now that he's ugly" bit that made it into the film.