Just got back from seeing it in IMAX 3D and hot damn this is a gorgeous movie. Yeah, the CGI bits were off if you're looking for them, but didn't impact my enjoyment at all and they were done pretty damn well. Was a tad bit slow in the early->middle part of the movie but holy shit that last act was on fucking point. Seat shaking while the ATs were coming out of the mist, that fucking entrance for the Executor, goddamn. For a movie where I knew the ending already, this shit kept me on the edge of my seat. Some minor nitpicks, but fuck those, the movie delivered where it needed to. The characters were all at the very least likable enough to care about their part in the story, I thought. K-2 was fucking awesome with just the right kind of humor without spoiling the mood. Can't wait to see it again.
Not sure where I'd rank it other than above the prequels and TFA. We rewatched ANH last night and unfortunately the only movie I had on VHS as a kid was RotJ and I swear ESB was never on TV, I've maybe seen it single digit times. Will have to rewatch it now.