Blackwing Lair Raider
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Sorry, Darth Father.
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Vader's alternate version from the blaxploitation film Star MoorsWHO THE FUCK IS DARK VADER
Your first was slightly condescending, your second more overt. Twilight is known for being a sourpuss at times but it's alright. Both of you have a good sense of humor and I chuckled when I read both of your posts tbh.That's funny, because I don't remember insulting anyone in my first post. I posted why I thought the movie was poorly conceived and executed and that I couldn't believe people were eating this shit up then you come in and insult both Gav and I about unrelated shit that makes zero sense. I then replied to Miquex's insult because at least that mother fucker tried to stay on topic.
I came here to give my opinion on this movie, I did, you didn't like it because you're a fucking retard.
At least Royal came in with a well thought out response. I'm not so sure how much the book should be allowed to forgive mistakes made in the movie but what he said at least makes a little more sense. Regardless, he's still a whiny administrator and easily the worst Star Wars villain of the movies and he didn't even try to refute that point.
I think it's ok to have enjoyed yourself in the movie, heck I enjoyed parts of it.
The Darth Vader scenes were of course money. Who doesn't want to see a hallway fight with Vader owning bitches? Some of the callbacks to the original made me chuckle as well, like seeing Red 5 go down. I also thought Tarkin was reasonably well done.
I'll bow out of the circle jerk if it's upsetting you this much though. If this Michael Bay worthy effort is what you think is up to snuff then we're fucking doomed to a lot more Star Wars mediocrity.
You're more hopeless than I am.
My only real nitpick:
Why was Leila actually at the battle of Scarif? It's heavily implied, if not outright stated, that Bail knew she was Vader's daughter based on the ending events of episode III. So she had no business being that close to the actual battlefront other than it was convenient to bridge Rogue One to ANH
It's not a big nitpick but it's something that stood out to me.
--Why is the imperial cargo pilot traitor guy a Space Pakistani? We've been hit over the head that the empire is all about white supremacy or whatever, wouldn't this guy of all people be white? Also his accent was distracting in most of his scenes I thought.
--Vader issues: First of all, the temple looked very Mordor-ish. Don't rip off visuals from other famous franchises like that, jesus christ people. Second, why would he have that place on some lava planet? Just guessing, but I'd bet Vader isn't the type to want to be around a lot of fire after what happened to him. Moreover, all of the prequels, including this one, highlight the weird aspect in ANH of Vader listening to and obeying orders from Tarkin. Vader is the number 2 guy in the entire empire, why would he ever do anything that anyone who isn't the emperor commands him to do? Although to be fair, ESB highlights this as well. One last thing: James Earl Jones is getting to be really fucking old. You can hear it in his lines. This is the problem with continuing to try to have Vader in things: Vader doesn't work without Jones' voice. Just move on from Vader, people.
I don't kill myself because of math. My death is worth a lot more money after a specified date.I don't kill myself because I know it would devastate my family. You don't kill yourself because you're a fucking coward.
I'm thinking I've got a long ways to go before I'm as hopeless as you.
And no a cameo by Darth Vader doesn't count. But let's talk about that for a second. Isn't it a little too on the nose for him to fucking watch Leia's ship escape? How does that even make any sense with the events that follow? "I don't know what you're talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan..." No bitch I just saw you pull away in this ship during an attack on an Imperial base!
Well in the EU Vader was essentially the #2 guy in the entire Empire after Palpatine, so Tarkin having any kind of authority over him is patently ridiculous. Assuming that nonsense isn't canon anymore, it seems more like Vader isn't actually part of the military hierarchy at all, answering directly to the Emperor himself. In which case it makes at least some sense for him to listen to Tarkin since the Death Star is under his authority.
Depending on how intact his memories are of the Clone Wars, it's also possible that his personal respect for Tarkin also contributes to him going along with what Tarkin says.
I don't kill myself because of math. My death is worth a lot more money after a specified date.
Yeah I didn't ever get the impression (within ANH at least) that Vader's position or authority was ever respected with the imperial military. He had to force choke a bitch just to get some respect on a conference call. Which made his first appearance in R1 even worse, especially considering his stupid pun. The guy apparently can't get anyone to listen to him without force choking people. Wish they would have left him to a reflection or suggested his presence in less direct ways until the end when he comes out and does his thing.
Dunno, like all Star Wars prequels, it took itself way to serious (with the possible exception of the droid and the Spaceballs planet shield). Dodgy CGI also kinda gave it a prequel vibe.
Still one of the better Star Wars prequels, but not Original-trilogy or TFA material for me.
I saw this last night - against my initial assessment - based on the reviews in this thread, and the fact that I'm an admitted sucker for Star Wars, warts and all. I've probably seen ESB over 100 times, especially when I was a kid, I'd watch a tape of it recorded from TV on VHS almost every Saturday.
The Good
--The atmosphere of the movie, for lack of a better term. They absolutely nailed this, even better than TFA, which was very good at setting and imagery. Everything LOOKS right, even the things you haven't seen before, with only a few exceptions. The temple on Jedha, the way aliens interact with things, the base on Scarif, the wierd blue eyed alien head dude in Forest Whitaker's crew... all fantastic.
--The pacing. This is a tricky thing to get right, you want to keep things moving, so people don't have time to go "Hey wait, that thing back there didn't make sense!" (At least until the next day when they blast it onto the interwebs) But also not so fast that people can't keep up with what's going on. Also, you don't notice that this movie was fairly long. Well done.
--The action and battles were awesome. Yes you can pick nits here and there like why does Almost Force Monk beat up dudes in armor so easily, but that's an easy answer: Rule of Cool. Stormtroopers are the ultimate cinematic faceless mook army, the only thing they're for is to beat up in new and exciting ways. Special mention to the Xwings bombing Galen's base, the AT-AT's coming out of the fog on Scarif (this gave me chills, you really feel the terror from this since they're filmed at ground level from the perspective of Old Hawaiian Gunner), the finale X-wing fight, and Vader wrecking that hallway.
--The acting is good, but not great. As someone mentioned, this isn't as preachy as TFA, and they don't hit you over the head with any SJW nonsense. I'm more and more convinced that the studio people were trolling by tweeting out all of that casting crap, even if it was true. I think they were hoping for a reverse backlash, similar to what happened with Fury Road. This works when the final product is good, like this movie and Fury Road, and backfires when the movie is shit, like Ghostbusters: Shoot All Men in the Dick Edition.
--The characters are mostly great. Jyn, Cassian, Donnie Yen, Old Hawaiian Gunner, Forest Whitaker, even Director Krennic I thought were all good as far as characterization, motivations, and actions. I never had a problem with Krennic as the villain, he works in the context of this story, and I found him to be reasonably threatening to our heroes.
--Visual touches here and there. The look of the death star from the ground while it's above you. The look of the blast zone after it hits a planet. The AT-ATs towering above you. The AT-ST's walking through Jedha city. The look of the desert-style stormtroopers. The data center where the files were kept. The look of the tower on Scarif. The asteroid base(?) where Cassian finds out about the pilot traitor. Many other things I'm probably forgetting. All of it awesome and very Star Wars.
The Bad
--The music. It's not bad per se, but the lack of John Williams, and not using leitmotifs for various characters is glaring in its absence. For instance, when Donnie Yen walks through blaster fire untouched, would have been a perfect moment to use the force leitmotif, but we get nothing like that (IIRC).
--Why did Cassian have a spanish/mexican accent? He's a spy/assassin right? Wouldn't that mean he'd have to have, or at least adopt periodically, a british accent to fit in with all of the Imperials he's traveling around? When he was giving a few of those speeches I almost felt I was watching Narcos or Che Guevara or something. Kind of distracting.
--Why is the imperial cargo pilot traitor guy a Space Pakistani? We've been hit over the head that the empire is all about white supremacy or whatever, wouldn't this guy of all people be white? Also his accent was distracting in most of his scenes I thought.
--Some of the casting choices are slightly distracting, but this is kind of a nitpick. Ser Barristan is a rebel. Sherlock's idiot police pathologist is a rebel pussy. Claire Underwood's photographer fling is a rebel pilot (although I liked his role and his acting in general). This is the "Hey it's that guy!" phenomenon, and ESB had Cliff Claven, and a Retroactive Grand Maester Pycelle
--I didn't mind Tarkin's CGI face, but he had too much screen time, and they should have had him be more in the background threatening things instead of how front and center he was. Leia's face didn't look nearly as good though, and they should have kept her back to the camera.
--Vader issues: First of all, the temple looked very Mordor-ish. Don't rip off visuals from other famous franchises like that, jesus christ people. Second, why would he have that place on some lava planet? Just guessing, but I'd bet Vader isn't the type to want to be around a lot of fire after what happened to him. Moreover, all of the prequels, including this one, highlight the weird aspect in ANH of Vader listening to and obeying orders from Tarkin. Vader is the number 2 guy in the entire empire, why would he ever do anything that anyone who isn't the emperor commands him to do? Although to be fair, ESB highlights this as well. One last thing: James Earl Jones is getting to be really fucking old. You can hear it in his lines. This is the problem with continuing to try to have Vader in things: Vader doesn't work without Jones' voice. Just move on from Vader, people.
--My main problem with the movie: When they get the shield down and are able to transmit the plans into space, there's tons of rebel ships up there, but only that one ship gets them? Wouldn't all of them have received them? Some of those ships got away as well, wouldn't they have gotten away with the plans? Also, why the fuck would Leia be aboard that ship if this was an impromptu and desperate attack? Wouldn't she be somewhere nearby in a ship with plausible diplomatic cover, like it's implied in ANH? All they would have had to do is have some sort of ship escape, and meet up with Leia's ship to deliver the plans. Vader tracks that escaping ship, sees Leia's ship, puts 2 and 2 together, and boom, there's the opening to ANH. The direction they went with here is much less plausible and falls apart logically IMO.
TL ; DR:
This movie is basically unnecessary. There are a few flaws, and the company that makes it is likely a SJW run monstrosity bent on warping your mind in subtle and overt ways. I wish they'd do stories in the same time period as TFA, not around the OT.
I wanted it to be bad. The trouble is it just isn't. It's short of great, but it's very good. Better than TFA on initial viewing, and I suspect it will be the opposite of that movie, in that TFA falls apart more and more as time goes on, and I suspect this will be viewed as better as time goes on and you watch it multiple times. If you like Star Wars, you'll like Rogue One.
Are people really in here singing the praises of this mediocre garbage? You people will suck the dick of anything that says Star Wars on it.
Holy shit @ calling it the 4th best SW movie. So you're saying it's better than the three shitfest prequels and the paint by numbers remake of Ep 4 that they had the nerve to call a new Star Wars movie? WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!