Rumor has it we'll see Hayden reprise his role as Darth Vader
I've seen it called the Black Hawk Down of Star Wars also. A successful but costly mission. They have the director of photography from Zero Dark Thirty doing the same job for this one. I hope it is more like Saving Private Ryan in tone. Black Hawk Down doesn't have nearly as much re-watch appeal.In an early interview about it, it was referred to as the Saving Private Ryan of Star Wars. Its going to be pretty gnarly in spots I think.
Haven't they found a few guys that can do the Vader voice down to a T by now?I bet they are recording a ton of voice over with James Earl Jones then before that guy kicks the bucket.
You'd like to see Hayden Christensen again? You've seriously got horrible taste, but at this point, I'm pretty sure you're flaunting itRumor has it we'll see Hayden reprise his role as Darth Vader in this one. Maybe even get some Ian as Palps again too. Would be nice to see them again.
Only if you wait until the spin off movie about Death Star 2. That quote is from Return of the JediWe will see how many Bothans died gathering this info ;p
That was thesecondDeath Star. Turn in your nerd cred badge immediately.We will see how many Bothans died gathering this info ;p