Star Wars : Rogue One


Molten Core Raider
So, i'll start by saying i'm one of the few Boba Fett fanboys, gimmemovieplease. So carry on if you must, though honestly i'd love to see it in Guy Ritchie style, via lock stock. Give him little lines, an array of characters of bounty hunters, mercenaries, soldiers, smugglers, criminals, the works; theme the underworld and just show why Boba Fett is revered as one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. It needs to be fast. But I guess John Wick would be cool too.

Anyways, I fucking hate Jedi/Sith shit, so Rogue One skyrockets in my ranking. I think most of it as boring, and a lot of whininess that I don't really care for. I was more into the Han, Lando, Boba, Jabba sub plots. I enjoy the overarching of Imperial/Rebels theme. So that lays a premise, but I wouldn't want this world w/o those whiny little cunts. I think Chirrut nails it on the head in how I like how the force is approached for me, but I love the OT all the same.

My ranking would prob have to be


I haven't seen the prequels since their theater release, outside of 5 minutes passing, so I can't fair a rating on them, but they all have some things I did like.

I think one thing that makes RO almost beat ESB for me is the environment and background characters. It's just hard to beat that initial boy wonder of ESB, and the introduction that started it all for myself growing up; I was big into Boba. If I had to use an example of a movie, i'd say in TFA; sure I was like cool awesome whatever, but it wasn't until the pirates was I internally screaming with excitement. Both ROTJ and ANH have it, but TFA/RO just take that visual detail and crank the dial.

Scene by scene, I was continuously gratified; even the openings for Cassian running through the trade outpost or the pan of the black sand, lush greens, and damp environment of Jynn's planet. It was a spectacle in its own. Jedha was massively beautiful, and its populous.. its more than any other Star Wars film has delivered thus far. It has basically been the cantina scene's, and tattooine binary sunset cranked to 1000 on imax.

I didn't care that they didn't go into the entire chronological history of each and every character. It was touched on enough to elaborate more on why they act that way, or operate in their functions. I think the only character I didn't find explained well was Baze, but I enjoyed their dynamic that it actually seemed Chirrut is Baze's eyes; as he is the blind follower. I thoroughly enjoyed each and everyone, they were all explained by their actions and what was on their selves. They all carried their personality enough to when the maker happens, I felt for each one of them. Had any of them survived, I would have probably knocked it down a knotch.. but it added gravity and stake that isn't in any of the SW films it feels more real. No real point in going into individual characters, either you were expecting something overly complicated, or looking too hard to find some sort of answer other than the obvious.

this shit to me was hype, maybe not on the levels of kick sand in the face of children Apoc Now's Ride of the Valkyries but its damn good enough, esp for Star Wars. I think I can whole heartily agree with the lack of a prominent musical queue.

I also loved Saw and his boys. I got a giant fucking kick out of their guerrilla warfare, the extremist view complimented by ISIS like getups. Including what i'm assuming is Saw's left and right hands, Edrio and Benthic.

Overall, I think it comes down to the fact there is so much detail and love that have gone into TFA/RO; you can go on and nitpick.. but they've atleast done enough to make it at least beautiful.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
So what are you saying here? I shouldn't have watched the movie because I didn't like it? How was I supposed to know I wouldn't like the movie without first watching? Furthermore, are you suggesting that I shouldn't share my opinions on the movie just because they trended more negative? Is having honest discourse about movies frowned upon by the likes of you? When did you become such a fucking retard? I'm sure there are plenty of Star Wars lovers forums you can go jack off about this movie if that's what you need in your life.

It was more of a generalized statement than something directed specifically at you though I guess shades of it would probably apply. You just supplied a convenient springboard for making it.

It's obvious that some posters here haven't seen a Star Wars movie they liked or cared for that was made since 1983. You would think that after 5 stinkers in 23 years they would figure that it was past time to get off the bus. Yet they continue to go back to the well for a drink of what they swear is sewage. But most of us know the real motivation behind it. They enjoy shitting on something that other people like, and the feathers it ruffles in the process, far more than they could ever enjoy the movies themselves. And if you're gonna dump on something it draws a more satisfying reaction when the shit has corn in it. I personally can't find the energy to care about opinions born out of that. Or the opinions of people who just aren't all that into the movies for that matter. Fans of the Transformers franchise shouldn't give a fuck what I think about those movies either.

As for sharing negative opinions or observations about this or any other movie of course I'm not against that. It definitely has issues and holes in it. And some of those criticisms make for interesting discussions. But there is a line beyond which some of it becomes shit slinging for the sake of the smell. And I know, that's part of the historical charm of the place.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Or maybe they just really love Star Wars and each time are hoping that the retards in Hollywood will get it right this time?

I absolutely love Shannara, and I watched every single episode of that god awful abomination of a TV show. On some level I knew that there was no chance they could turn that garbage around, but I kept watching in hopes that they would anyway. And they didn't. But I'm damn sure not gonna keep quiet about how fucking terrible the show was, and I'm going to call anybody who thinks it was good a fucking moron.
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Potato del Grande
You actually kept reading after his plea for a Guy Ritchie directed Boba Fett movie? That's on the same level as an Adam Sandler produced movie starring Jar Jar Binks.
Shit, that's a great idea, maybe it can save Adam Sandler's career! Let's see, he already remade The Longest Yard, what about another classic. Jar Jar Binks and Adam Sandler in Stir Crazy!


Mr. Poopybutthole
You actually kept reading after his plea for a Guy Ritchie directed Boba Fett movie? That's on the same level as an Adam Sandler produced movie starring Jar Jar Binks.

I'd actually watch an Adam Sandler Jar Jar Binks movie, I wouldn't watch the Guy Ritchie Boba Fett movie.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
suggesting satellite dishs are new or dumb is odd.
However, they did very clearly say they needed the big satellite dish... because the file was too large. not, because they needed more power to break through the shield. no.. no.. even the SHIP one did that, with flipping the "master switch". no. the FILE was too large to transmit over a smaller dish.

but really starwars has always had some silly tech things. there are no railings in Starwars. There are giant pits everywhere, in every city/building. And there are always controls to random things in the middle of those pits, with no railings.

I guess I filled in the gaps, because I thought the 3 reasons they needed the dish were
1. It was the closest place. I'm not sure if you were implying they use the ship, but that wasn't an option, what with the battle and the archive vault being all locked up.
2. Power to punch through the shield. Pretty sure they actually said punch through.
3. Power to get a good signal. Data transmissions are less forgiving then voice transmissions. Did you notice how scratchy it was when the ship got through to the fleet to tell them to stand by to receive the transmission? That kinda connection wouldn't fly for a data transmission. The file being big just meant you needed an even more stable connection.

Oh and if I'm not mistaken, the ship used the big satellite dish to get the signal out. That was the whole point of connecting the wire and flipping the switch.


Potato del Grande
Pretty boring movie but the end sequence on jungle planet is fine and the ending is pretty great. Going to be good watching ep4 right after.

Characters are not likeable, developed or interesting other than blind guy.

I fear for this decade. We have a golden age of TV but music is shit and movies/games are all nostalgia rehashes...

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
You actually kept reading after his plea for a Guy Ritchie directed Boba Fett movie? That's on the same level as an Adam Sandler produced movie starring Jar Jar Binks.

Nope. I saw Boba Fett fanboy, Saw RO listed above ANH and ROTJ, saw a LOT more words, and that's all I needed.

And I'd rather have a Dog the Bounty Hunter in Space movie, directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, than a Boba Fett movie by Guy Ritchie.

Dogs In Spaaaaaaace.jpg
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Molten Core Raider
Ew no, misinterped. Guy Ritchie styled film, not guy Ritchie directing, you kidding me? Haha fuck that, would be awful. Guy Ritchie films have the whole lots of people running around but they're all important to some degree to the one final pay off in the middle in a rat race. I'd take that over dredging out some story of tribulation and triumph. I'd list the fuckloads of stylized films after him, but they're all d-tier gloryholes.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I absolutely love Shannara, and I watched every single episode of that god awful abomination of a TV show. On some level I knew that there was no chance they could turn that garbage around, but I kept watching in hopes that they would anyway.

Yeah gutting through a single season of a TV/streamed show is a different animal. It's not unreasonable at all to stick with something you like the premise of for a season, especially if you find character development boring and are waiting for the meat of the story to be served up. But unless you're talking about a series built around standalone seasons like True Detective or Fargo what's the point of hanging around beyond that? Some of what I've seen here is like complaining about the current season of The Walking Dead when you realized way back at the end of S3 that you no longer liked the show and kept watching in spite of not having, on balance, liked a single season since then.
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Jive Turkey

But most of us know the real motivation behind it. They enjoy shitting on something that other people like, and the feathers it ruffles in the process, far more than they could ever enjoy the movies themselves.

They really show their hand when they hang out in the thread just to dump on the people who liked it. Hated the movie? Cool. Post a scathing review about how much you hated it. Fair game. But to hang out in the thread and literally post more than the people who enjoyed it is just flopping around in your own shit. But I'm sure there must be something pathological about it, so whatever.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Or maybe if more of the people who hated a movie voiced their opinions, the next movie(s) would be less likely to make the same mistakes.
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Potato del Grande
I dunno, what's worse, people "hanging out" in a thread to talk shit about the movie or the people "hanging out" in the thread desperately waiting for some kind of affirmation that their opinions aren't total shit?

You don't get to decide what kind of Star Wars fans we are nor do you get to decide what threads we participate in. Man, it must suck to be you.

How could we possibly be checking in on a thread about a movie still in the theater right after fucking Carrie Fisher died. And some of you assholes have the nerve to say this movie was better than any of the OT and call US THE TROLLS.
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