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Just as long as you realize that the new characters are exactly the old characters.We at least got the new characters (who I really liked almost entirely)
I mean:
- Snoke is Palpatine v2 (easy)
- Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is Darth Vader/Annakin Skywalker v2 (easy; and that's even with name change and the "Ren" being a title like Darth, that's where the Knights of Ren points to)
- Luke is Yoda v2 (easy) with a minor bit of Obi Wan's role tucked in (since he's the one whose failure to train Ben leads to disaster and slaughter of the young jedis)
- Rey is Luke Skylwalker v2 (lost family, stuck in dead-end stuff on desert planet, dreams that are just dreams, stumble upon resistance droid, yadda, yadda)
- Finn is Han Solo v2 (bad past, ready to lie and cheat his way off, deliver the droid and rey and walks out much to the despair of rey, runs back immediately when trouble strikes, and he is even knocked out of the running - no carbonite, just plain coma)
- BB8 is early R2D2 v2, R2 still being the later half (carries the stolen data, BB8 gets scruffle with scavenger, zaps with his electric arc "bad guys", etc. Then you need both droids to complete the mission and BB8 is relegated to back, we get R2D2 coming with Rey to see Yoda v2)
- Poe Dameron is... Leia v2 (rebellion agent, gets captured during intro, hides data in droid, interrogation, has to be freed by "Solo v2" from the imperial base). And he and Solo v2 instantly hit friendship (non romantic, of course) despite being from opposite backgrounds and will become permanent partners.
Note that Leia is still partially herself for the missing bits of Poe's role (generalissimo of the Rebellion, coordinate stuff, monitors the assault on Death Star v2, etc)
- Han Solo is... Obi Wan Kenobi v2 (stumbles upon the escapees, the one to tell them that all the legends are true, goes to the cantina to organize the final transfer leg of stolen data to the Rebellion, gets skewered by "vador v2" in the middle of the Death Star while still trying to save him, will be back as a flashback character instead of force ghost).
There's a bit of Kenobi transfered to Luke as I said earlier, and the Lightsaber handing devolves to Maz Kanata, but her role was cut short because she's not really necessary for the story while Han is around.
- Hux is, of course, Grand Moff Tarkin v2 (the big military cheese that doesn't take crap from Vader v2, but he gets ordered off the Death Star before it explodes so we get more Tarkin next!)
- Phasma is supposed to be Bobba Fett v2, except that, like Fett, there's nothing to do until the next movie, while they had a lot of marketing invested in toy lines, so they plunk her down in various roles that should be various junior nameless lieutenants so we see her around.
- I assume Chewbacca is Chewbacca v2, but there's not enough of a role for him to be visible.
- C3PO is still himself and as clueless as ever concerning people; he just doesn't get to stick around for the movies because its 2015 and you don't need that much of a comic relief in modern action movies.
So, as you see, there are no new characters, just new skins over old characters.
I presume they are going to let the characters diverge from the originals now that they've essentially rebooted the franchise by doing a remake of the original movie.Episode VIII really needs to diverge.