Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
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A-Wings have always been the lightest of the rebel ships and if your not using that agility etc. then your just in a little ship and will get blown up faster than if your in something bigger.But look at what they've done with the A-Wings in Rebels. Fuckin death traps.
And I translate Lucas talking about "new ships in every movie" = new toys to sell.
You have a spectrum from light/fast <----> slow/heavy - usually bombers
A-Wing X-Wing <-> Y-Wing B-Wing
So for there to be a large amounts of X and Y that makes sense- esp the battles in the force awakens - you are talking space and atmospheric fights - X-Wing is your best balance in that vs a Y- for those on planet fights you would mostly want A-Wings if all things being equal but also you had to consider you would most likely find yourself in both environments - thus a X-wing is the best overall choice.
As for rebel funding etc... they still are kind of outcast and not official...that was the entire point for the first order to be able to stand up to the "official" ruling party - that they where supporting the rebel while saying the first order was bad - while "officially" they both where groups operating outside the officially established government.
Also Poe's response and look of awe tells me that the first order was WAY more well off and "bigger" than he or the rebels thought when they took him out of the landing craft and he looked around the launch bay.