Tranny Chaser
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That's...strangely compelling. You're a genius.Feels better if you imagine Starlord from Guardians of the Galaxy as Han's kid.
That's...strangely compelling. You're a genius.Feels better if you imagine Starlord from Guardians of the Galaxy as Han's kid.
Outside of some pacing issues+copypasta, my biggest complaint about the movie was Finn. I kinda wonder if you could cut Finn out of the movie entirely and insert Poe into his roll. How different would the movie have been if Poe hadn't been caught at the beginning of the movie, and instead of Finn getting him off the ship, Poe escapes into the desert and eventually runs into Rey on his own? Seems as simple as torturing Max Von Sydow's character for the information instead of Poe.
Throughout the movie, everything about Finn didn't make a lot of sense to me. Why was someone who had been a Stormtrooper all his life start cracking wise the second he talked to someone who wasn't an Imperial? Essentially none of his entire life of being a Storm Trooper shines through in any of his actions the entire movie. I also thought there were some clear over acting moments. He had known Rey for about 45 minutes and he's suddenly REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYing at the ship as Ren flies away with her? C'mon.
My 2c
BAKERSFIELD, CA - A 20-year-old man named Raymond Chatfield walked out of a premiere of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' on Thursday night and shouted out a major spoiler, which was heard by almost a hundred people waiting on line in the lobby.
"I was waiting on line to see the 10pm showing," said witness Robert Selvidge. "Then this snot-nose kid walks past the line, shouts out the ending and starts laughing. He totally ruined the movie for everyone...what a jerk!"
Chatfield was immediately assaulted by a Wookie, a Stormtrooper and Boba Fett.
"I saw it all. This guy shouts out the spoiler right? Within 15 seconds he was on the ground getting his ass stomped," said another witness, who asked to remain anonymous. "At first the crowd was cheering them on, and I think that made it worse. They beat him up for a solid 5 minutes, kicking him in the balls, punching him in the gut, bitch-slapping him...eventually people got quiet. Even I was like, okay...enough yo."
The Wookie, the Stormtrooper and Boba Fett were not only not arrested by police, they were even allowed to watch the movie as planned.
"We view this as justifiable assault," said police chief Greg Richardson. "May the Force be with you."
The spoiler Raymond Chatfield is currently listed in critical condition in the intensive care unit at Mercy Hospital.
I'll steal your ratings except ep7 is a 9. Shit was amazing.These are my ratings thus far. Overall it was an excellent movie.
New Hope 8/10
Empire 9.5/10
Jedi 7/10
Phantom 4/10
Clones 5/10
Revenge 4/10
Force Awakens 8.5/10
Didn't you see it day one?not real. i know this because the kind of people that would line up to see the movie on day one don't have it in them to do violence except when sitting behind a computer screen.
I was very amused how han kept borrowing chewies bow caster. guess he played some starwars battlefront and realized how OP they are.Chewie's rampage was awesome. Poor guy. Not sure if I liked that whole scene better or the forest scene.
It is annoying how many things are implied and left unsaid. Leaving Rey's training implied is annoying, and her parentage. I realize it's a series but you go to see a movie and tehy tell you half a story and then go "Tune in in two years..." that sucks.
And you sound like a retard reaching for excuses to justify aspects of the movie. Only thing getting rekt is your ass hole from all the butt hurt.You're a god damn retard.
1. we have no fucking clue how much training he has.
2. the repressed memories and force sensitivity to the lightsaber plus allusions to prior training, does not say she just picked up a lightsaber.
3. he took a god damn bowcaster blast to the side that blew normal troopers 15 feet backwards.
get rekt homo
Think Disney said they want to put out a new Star Wars every year for the forseeable future so I imagine you only have a year to wait to find out!Chewie's rampage was awesome. Poor guy. Not sure if I liked that whole scene better or the forest scene.
It is annoying how many things are implied and left unsaid. Leaving Rey's training implied is annoying, and her parentage. I realize it's a series but you go to see a movie and tehy tell you half a story and then go "Tune in in two years..." that sucks.
Rogue One is Dec 2016, Ep 8 is May 2017, so you have to wait about a year and a half.Think Disney said they want to put out a new Star Wars every year for the forseeable future so I imagine you only have a year to wait to find out!
Yeah they are alternating the saga with spinoffs every other year.Think Disney said they want to put out a new Star Wars every year for the forseeable future so I imagine you only have a year to wait to find out!