Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Of course the discussion on New Years Eve gravitated to The Force Awakens at one point. It was interesting to hear the perspective of people who were only very casually interested in the originals as well as those who are actively hostile towards Star Wars in general. Most note worthy were those people who had never been interested in sci-fi (either no genre at all or horror movie types) who are big fans of Guardians of the Galaxy and who saw and are raving about the Force Awakens. This is especially true of the <30 crowd who knew only of the originals through video releases and who were fairly jaded after the prequel trilogy. If you are 25 now, you were 9-10 when the prequels started up...
Speaking of... Chatted about Star Wars with what may have been the most beautiful woman I've ever spoken with at a suit and tie type of NYE event in a club. She fucking gushed about the movie(almost entirely about Han), hated the prequels, and just got confused when I would say almost anything involving the OT that wasn't a "big scene". I just turned 30, azn so hard to say I'd have guessed 26 maybe if I had to for reference. Bitch force choked me at one point. Not a euphemism, she spotted me later as I was walking to the bar and left her group to come force choke me in front of the DJ booth... for about two minutes too long for it to not be weird. Weirdest experience I've ever had and ruined my night because it was so surreal it overshadowed the half decent time I'd been having.

Unexpected people are surprisingly weird and crazy about star wars. In weird, awkward, and surprising ways. Talking about star wars to people has so far gotten me ditched at a theater, obligated me to see it a second time with my ex-fiances family, and the above. Fuck this movie I'm never discussing it in person again.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
You can bet your ass there is going to be some intense lobbying in the next few years to extend the copyrights even futher. Fuck Disney.
Saw an article on Disney's current strategy, and they are clearly edging their bets on their IP collection (witness SW). They are not that confident that a copyright extension is going to be possible.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Yeah that is why they've had much such a huge push since the last extension to significantly expand their IP holdings. They'll lobby for another extension but getting another one is no certainty.

A lot of people think they'll stop at nothing to retain exclusive rights to the Mouse and his buddies but they have all of those trademarked so there is no real sunset on those rights as long as they continue to use them, which of course they will.


Avatar of War Slayer
Apex kek potential:

Rey was immaculately conceived by midichlorans.

Just saw the movie. Fucking loved it. The aesthetic was just perfect. Boyega was a joy, and the new girl was great too. They lacked chemistry, but I thnk that will develop over time. Driver fucking nailed the conflicted new-age young adult. Really embracing that chaotic emotional undercurrent of the dark side you see late in anakin's fall was a great call. The villains feel very modern yet timeless. Great job. BB-8 was really loveable and well played. Just enough fan service for my tastes. They did justice to the themes of the original (so far).

Only a couple real complaints. Leia is a disaster, and I wish they just wrote her out. All her scenes were fucking botched, and Ford just puts her to shame. The opening scene should have been a pan-in of a funeral barge hurling her casket into the sun. The other one is that they clearly used this film to set up the Disney-Star Wars-Universe. The above mentioned C3PO lines, and the focus on that 'ace pilot' + Xwing pilots felt really forced.

9/10. Second favourite behind Empire.
I'm pretty sure the c3po/leia intro scene was heavily cut for some reason.
C3po just butts in very awkwardly, starts talking. Does his, "oh". Then says, "lets go bb-8".

There was no introduction. How does he even know BB-8's name?


Vyemm Raider
I'm pretty sure the c3po/leia intro scene was heavily cut for some reason.
C3po just butts in very awkwardly, starts talking. Does his, "oh". Then says, "lets go bb-8".

There was no introduction. How does he even know BB-8's name?
Because BB-8 is Poe's astromech droid, Poe is a prominent member of the Resistance, and as such they've met quite a few times before, possibly for years? You should go see the movie I think.


<Silver Donator>
I'm pretty sure the c3po/leia intro scene was heavily cut for some reason.
C3po just butts in very awkwardly, starts talking. Does his, "oh". Then says, "lets go bb-8".

There was no introduction. How does he even know BB-8's name?
Lol. There's always one of those in my friends as well, make me laugh every time. Yeah man, they just met....


Avatar of War Slayer
Because BB-8 is Poe's astromech droid, Poe is a prominent member of the Resistance, and as such they've met quite a few times before, possibly for years? You should go see the movie I think.
ok, sure. but moviemaking 101 says, first time these characters meet on screen, they need to interact in greeting. telling US the viewer, they know each other.
notice a few minutes later, C3po introduces BB-8 to R2D2 as if BB-8 has never seen R2 before.
again, that Han/Leia seen was very awkward, and stilted. I think parts of it were cut out.


Vyemm Raider
ok, sure. but moviemaking 101 says, first time these characters meet on screen, they need to interact in greeting. telling US the viewer, they know each other.
notice a few minutes later, C3po introduces BB-8 to R2D2 as if BB-8 has never seen R2 before.
again, that Han/Leia seen was very awkward, and stilted. I think parts of it were cut out.
Uh wrong again. He doesn't introduce BB-8 to Artoo, in fact you can clearly see BB-8 goes to Artoo to check on him, and C3PO goes "Aww BB-8, don't you remember our good friend Artoo is in sleep mode since years ago?" To be fair THAT sentence was exposition for the audience, but apparently it went right over your head. You definitely need to see it again.

Jive Turkey

ok, sure. but moviemaking 101 says, first time these characters meet on screen, they need to interact in greeting. telling US the viewer, they know each other.
notice a few minutes later, C3po introduces BB-8 to R2D2 as if BB-8 has never seen R2 before.
again, that Han/Leia seen was very awkward, and stilted. I think parts of it were cut out.
C3PO is the general's right hand man and BB-8 is essentially their best pilot's co-pilot. How would they not know each other?


Murder Apologist
Oh wow,they cast the wrong Ridley sister:


Maybe she can't act..... perfect for the slave dancer role!!


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Yeah. They should leave out the burp though. That would just be disrespectful.


Vyemm Raider
Would be cool if Rey is Luke's daughter and Obi-Wan's granddaughter. After the Battle of Endor, Luke goes back to Tatooine to get away from all the craziness and just connect with his old, simpler life. He meets a woman from a moisture farm while picking up some power converters from Toshi Station. They both knew Old Ben and liked to bullseye womp rats in beggar's canyon, so they hit it off. She falls in love with him and he discovers she is Obi-wan's daughter. He tries to leave because he needs to rebuild the Jedi order and doesn't want to get her caught up in the war. In total movie cliche fashion, she confesses her love for him and that any danger is worth the risk just to be with each other. 10 years later they have a daughter, Rey. 5-7 years after that Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren kill all the Jedi, including Luke's wife. Luke goes into seclusion not only to grieve, but to escape the dark side; time and space reduces the anger he feels towards Ren, as well as the fear from his failure.

This would also mean we would get an Obi-Wan movie since Ewan McGregor said he would like to play the role again(And a lot of fans want an Obi-Wan movie more than a Boba Fett or Rogue One movie). It would also make Rey have the power of the Skywalker line(Skywalker bloodline is 50/50 on Light/Dark side, with Vader and Ren going dark side, and Luke and Leia light. All 4 have struggled with the pull of both the light and dark sides) with the temperance of Kenobi(Obi-wan is the epitome of Jedi; always made a moral choice reinforced with wisdom and common sense, hardly ever felt the pull of the dark side, etc.).

The thing is that no matter who her parents are, there's going to be a shit ton of questions that will need answering with exposition/flashbacks/lens flare etc. so people don't leave the movies after seeing Ep. 8 going "How did that happen!?" (I had to explain everything to people that aren't fans that saw the movie and don't know the backstory)

Jive Turkey

a shit ton of questions that will need answering with exposition/flashbacks/lens flare etc.
I loved the way JJ handled the questions about lens flare at the very start of the movie. Panning right past the blaster bolt was the ultimate lens flare. Felt like a bit of a "ya, fuck you, there's the lens flare. lets get on with it"


Murder Apologist
Great mini-doc on Phil Tippett the dude who emerged from Star Wars to merge stop-motion animation with CG and win the Oscar for Jurassic Park:



I so hoped Snoke would have been Jar Jar.

And cool, until he became a spoiled kid with daddy issues. How far we have fallen.