Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Wait. have we considered the obvious?

Its Ming the Merciless?
Could be klytus.



The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I sure hope not. If its anyone that they have to spend even 2 sentences explaining how they are still alive (or didn't actually die when we thought they did) that's strike one.


Log Wizard
If they're from the prequels then it's been at minimum 60 years from when we last saw them. They're going to probably have to explain how they're still alive unless they were like 30 or younger in the prequels. Don't mention fucking EU stuff and people being 140 because that shit apparently doesn't apply.


Golden Squire
Part V of the spoilerman:

This fifth part includes information from three different threads, all of which can be found in the footnotes. As always, read on at your own risk.
Plot Unrelated

  • Apparently, Spoiler Man had a friend who's father died from a heart attack during the Blue Harvest cover shoot for RoTJ. They never credited his dead father for participation in RoTJ because "Blue Harvest basically had a bullshit decoy set", and so sometimes he likes "occasionally sticking it back in the big man".
  • He defends his contention that Disney does not care about small leaks. He calls Disney a "huge machine, a corporation so rich with so many branches everywhere, that they seriously dont give a flying fuck about the "purist" fans perspective, or a full 300-400 people on 4chan knowing plot details".
  • He adds that LucasFilm has a tenet that's meant to teach employees how the fandom works: "The people who specifically know who the Boba Fett name belongs to form less than 1% of the Star Wars fanbase".
  • Apparently 600-800 shots (15-20% of the film) were done with IMAX cameras, mostly scenes in space. Spoiler Man contends that he and his colleagues have the raw footage on their Pegasus TBII raid drives under the tag "space sequence", and guesses they "filmed above Tatooine and Sullarn as one sequence". The scenes that are "100% IMAX" are "above Tatooine, the escape from Tatooine, above Sullarn, and battle above Sullarn". He also assumes that the "Yavin surface battle" was shot in IMAX as well.
  • He says that the green crane in this picture:[5] is specifically used handle the weight of IMAX cameras. His contention when people argue about the quantity of IMAX scenes is "If he shot a static Falcon with IMAX, he will OF COURSE shoot space battles with IMAX".
  • JJ was apparently very efficient with the filming, finishing about 20% faster than Lucas. Secondary cinematography is apparently ongoing, but should be done by February.
  • He doesn't really care for how "deriviative and generic" JJ is as a director. He thinks that Abrams is a bit of a "company yes man", adding that there were talks about giving the helm to Duncan Jones before Disney vetoed it.
  • There will be many homage shots, props, and characters that will make original trilogy purists say "holy shit they did their research". Spoiler Man contends that "we will experience pandering", but not necessarily in a bad way.
  • George stops by rarely, maybe once a month.
  • Spoiler Man does believe that there may be too many characters in the film. "Maybe film has moved on maybe the audiences can take it, but as colorful and cool as all the concepts are, both sides have doubled in the amount of central characters".
  • He still contends that the film will be good.
General Plot

  • He has posted what he claims to be the opening crawl:[6] According to him, it is a huge vector file that he downsized and made into jpeg that will be manipulated for the real crawl (which is not yet rendered). See the source (5-2) in the footnotes if you wish to see him defend its nature further.
  • There is kinetic action and "I suppose violence" in the opening sequence, but not a battle between two sides.
  • Boyega and Oscar Isaac's characters crash their ships and end up on a prison transport. They apparently "save themselves" while on a Star Destroyer.
  • In the first 10 pages of script, we learn why the Empire is on Tatooine, why Boyega does what he does, and the circumstances that lead to Kira (Daisy Ridley) saving him.
  • A krayt dragon is involved in a sequence on Tatooine.
  • Han shows up in "cutaways/inserts" during Act I and has a new cantina scene that is very different than the first. He shows up on Tatooine because Kira contacts him.
  • Act I has a parallel edit, which has never been done before. Based on previous information, we can infer the implication here is that we will follow one thread through Boyega and another through Driver.
  • Strictly in terms of the "good guys", the first act's beats are 1) introducing the new generation, 2) Gwendoline Christie chasing two of the "good guys", 3) A third "good guy" meets the aforementioned two, 4) finding Han and Chewie, and 5) escaping from Tatooine.
  • The trailer shot of the Falcon is Boyega, Ridley, Sydow, Han, and Chewie escaping Tatooine after Daisy shows Luke's original lightsaber to Han.
  • The bridge between Act I and Act II is the reunion of the classical characters (except for Luke).
  • The second act's beats revolve around meeting side characters, "exposition for jocks", meeting up with Leia, and searching for Luke.
  • The Inquisitors are at the helm of the Empire, though there is mention of Moffs and Admirals controlling vast swaths of territory.
  • The Empire's primary objective is survival. The Sith have a totally different agena; formation of the Empire was Palpatine's big dream, not his faction's.
  • The "flashback" in the film is a vision of the past.
  • The ending is "not a closed loop" and will be a deal breaker for some purists; some will love it, others will hate it. Apparently it will depend on how you took the ending of A New Hope versus the ending of Empire.
  • No major characters die in the film.

  • Max Von Sydow's character has no force powers and is trusted by the Solos. His mysterious nature is derived from the fact that he is a a sort of demented old man who occasionally dozes off into meaningless phrases. After Kira brings Luke's saber to him, he seems different and reinvigorated.
  • Max Von Sydow is not Valorum. According to Spoiler Man, "The character makes huge sense when you connect the dots." He is not a secondary character in the prequels, but rather a tertiary character at best.
  • Adam Driver's character dons every Sith relic he has before meeting Serkis in person. He is not the be-all-end-all bad guy, but is rather drawn to the temptation of the dark side. Driver does not die in the first film, and is described as having a character arc similar to Anakin's.
  • He is already into the dark side when the film begins, believing that certain past historical figures have been wronged and did nothing wrong by pursuing a more direct course of action. Spoiler Man adds that "that is not a reference to Palpatine or Vader", and that "nobody defends Vader, and only a handful know he was Luke/Leia's father".
  • He posted this piece of concept art of Driver:[7] and contends that it exists nowhere on the internet. According to him, there are "hundreds if not thousands" of "semi-polished sketches" and "corel colored raw pieces" designed to help conceptualize the film. He adds that concept art is not professional, and that a concept artist does around 5-6 A3 pieces of art per day during principal photography.
  • Han has by far the most screentime of the original three. A sequence in Act III will play on the common fear that he will die in the film (which he doesn't).
  • He can't confirm or deny is Lando is physically in the film, but he is alive and mentioned regardless.
  • A character from Rebels has a "Quinlan-esque" appearance in Mos Eisley.
  • Deak is not Boyega's name. Boyega is like Luke: a wide eyed, bushy tailed young kid who finds himself in over his head.
  • Spoiler Man calls Boyega a "5 foot 5 inch tower of talent".
  • Boyega says "I have a bad feeling about this", on Tatooine, to Oscar Isaac.
  • He says that Daisy Ridley is "Kira" in his script, but that he "wouldn't bet a kidney" on it being the final name. As far he knows, she has no siblings.
  • Daisy Ridley's character has been sheltered and then taught to rely on her own talents and capabilities as an independent Solo/Skywalker. Leia taught her all she could in the ways of the Force after Luke's disappearance "4-5 years" following Endor.
  • There will be no kidnapping of Daisy Ridley's character, who is described as much more competent than Boyega or Driver.
  • The principle trio is Boyega-Daisy-Isaac.
  • Nobody knows that Daisy Ridley's character is Han and Leia's daughter, and nobody knows that Domhnall Gleeson is Luke's son.
  • There is a scene in Act II where, up until that point, we were lead to believe Gleeson was an Imperial. When he lights his blue lightsaber, however, we see that is not the case.
  • Gleeson is described as somewhat secondary to the principle trio. It's not due to lack of attention, but rather the fact that the first half of the movie is introducing the new status quo and propelling us into the film's second act.
  • Luke has set up another Jabba's Palace-esque plan, this time within the Imperial Remnant, and his son (Domhnall Gleeson) is placed in the very middle of it. The reveal of Gleeson as Luke's son demonstrates how much foresight and patience Luke has developed since the OT.
  • Luke has secluded himself because of the realization that Serkis is a major threat and the fact that he needs to keep his cards close to his chest.
  • Luke has been training Jedi for the past few decades as part of a "master plan", and is not totally unprepared for the "onslaught" that's about to begin. While their numbers are few, they are potent. Only two of these existing apprentices are shown in the film (Lupita Nyong'o and Domhnall Gleeson), but others are implied to exist.
  • Luke's new Jedi follow a series of tenets dictating that they be benevolent and just rather than peacekeepers or superpowered police.
  • Qui Gon appears as a Force ghost in the movie, and he and Luke are apparently quite close.
  • Luke says "You do not believe, that is why you fail" to an impatient padawan during training that parallels Yoda and the X-Wing. This moment is near the end of ACT II when we learn that he is indeed training a new generation of incognito Jedi. The apprentices near him are not Jedi Knights, but rather somewhat helpless padawans.
  • Oscar Isaac's Blue Squadron flies over the lake on Yavin because Serkis and company are about to assault Skywalker's retreat. Blue Squadron is en route in a positive capacity.
  • Serkis' "Darth" name is apparently a spoiler in and of itself.
Ships, Aliens, and Planets

  • There is no Rogue Squadron in the film, but we will see X-Wings both old and new.
  • Other ships we will see in the film are the Inquisitor command ship, Serkis' ship, a larger Star Destroyer variant that is not a SSD, a plethora of "pirate hideout smuggler transports", Stormtrooper dropships, a "Coruscant ship", "Sella's envoy ship", Kira's clunky transport ship, and a Mon Cal flagship.
  • The film has a lot of the Milennium Falcon in action.
  • In terms of established alien races, we will see Mon Cal cruisers over Coruscant and a Twi'lek, but no Hutts or Gungans. Spoiler Man adds that there is a "hammerhead" also.
  • The idea that the Sith are/were ever a race is, apparently, dead in the water, and they have been definitively made an order that is "the polar opposite of the Jedi".
  • Acts I and II contain Tatooine, Coruscant, lakeside Yavin, and a bit of Sullarn.
  • Coruscant basically looks the same, but the color pallete is more desaturated and "towards cyan". He does not believe there are any night scenes there.

  • By Christmas, we will see either a new teaser trailer with the classic characters instead of the new generation OR a press release photo op of Harrison Ford as Han Solo. One of these things will happen in the next 2-3 weeks.
  • This secondary teaser trailer is described as a similar edit to the first; similar voice over, but with the old generation of charaters. He says that he has seen it and that it definitively exists.
  • A 4chan moderator posted this:[8] on the Cantina forums. If what this moderator says is true, then Spoiler Man lives in the same state as LucasFilm and was indeed hacked during the events covered in Part 3, further crediting his claims.
Honestly, the above post by the 4chan moderator is pretty convincing. I think I'm leaning more towards the camp of the believers again. On top of that, the fact that Spoiler Man gave us such a close window for the next teaser (and the basic content it contains) means that it won't be long before we know one way or the other. I'm really enjoying everything he's putting out, so I truly do hope he turns out to be legitimate. What do you guys think? More convincing still, or just sick of his antics?
Context Links
The source (part 1):[9]
The source (part 2):[10]
The source (part 3):[11] (apparently largely untrue)
The source (part 4-1):[12]
The source (part 4-2):[13]
The source (part 5-1):[14]
The source (part 5-2):[15]
The source (part 5-3):[16]
The leaked storyboards / concept art:[17]
The teaser:[18]
Trailer release date confirmation:[19]
Fake script scans:[20] ;[21]
Spoiler Man's opening crawl:[RES ignored duplicate link][22]
Spoiler Man's concept art of Driver:[RES ignored duplicate link][23]
4chan moderator making a case for Spoiler Man:[RES ignored duplicate link][24]
Principle cast and crew:[25]


Vyemm Raider
The more spoilerman things that come out the more I think they are fake or some sort of intential marketing thing. With all the praise for JJ in the latest one it really seems like it might be marketing. If you are gonna spoil details why not just say who Sydow's character vs making people guess?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I guess there's a difference between spoiling the setup and the conclusion


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am a bit worried about the amount of characters this film seems to want to focus on, but the general plot that this Spoiler Man is laying makes me pretty optimistic about the movie. If these actors can actually act well...I think we are going to in for a treat. The casting choice of Domhall Gleeson is spot on, if he turns out to be Spoiler Man says.


Avatar of War Slayer
I am a bit worried about the amount of characters this film seems to want to focus on, but the general plot that this Spoiler Man is laying makes me pretty optimistic about the movie. If these actors can actually act well...I think we are going to in for a treat. The casting choice of Domhall Gleeson is spot on, if he turns out to be Spoiler Man says.
didn't spoilerman comment on that himself?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
On some of these points this guy has really been all over the place, even if you dismiss Part 3 as a "fake" spoiler source. Initially it was spoiled that Han died, then that was edited out of the first spoiler with the explanation that the guy didn't want to spoil the third act, though he overlooked mentioning that someone inherits the Falcon. He later goes ahead and spoils that aspect of the third act by stating definitively that Han doesn't die and now he goes even further to state that no major characters die, which puts any sort of suspense the third act might have had firmly to bed (if true of course).

I'm starting to think this guy is one of the in-house spin doctors.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Prolly because this 4chan guy, WHOEVER he is, has more credit when it comes to leaks. Leak on 4chan, let reddit be the third party reporting. I mean, what big leaks have come out of reddit directly?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Apparently, Spoiler Man had a friend who's father died from a heart attack during the Blue Harvest cover shoot for RoTJ. They never credited his dead father for participation in RoTJ because "Blue Harvest basically had a bullshit decoy set", and so sometimes he likes "occasionally sticking it back in the big man".



Log Wizard
On some of these points this guy has really been all over the place, even if you dismiss Part 3 as a "fake" spoiler source. Initially it was spoiled that Han died, then that was edited out of the first spoiler with the explanation that the guy didn't want to spoil the third act, though he overlooked mentioning that someone inherits the Falcon. He later goes ahead and spoils that aspect of the third act by stating definitively that Han doesn't die and now he goes even further to state that no major characters die, which puts any sort of suspense the third act might have had firmly to bed (if true of course).

I'm starting to think this guy is one of the in-house spin doctors.
Pretty sure he said Han dies in Ep 8.