Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Tranny Chaser
I kept racking my brain trying to figure out why the woman on the First Order bridge seemed so damn familiar... its Lysa Arryn from Game of Thrones. One of those faces you instantly recognize but can't quite place.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
You do realize it was termed The Resistance when they started writing the script for TFA ... in 2013?

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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
WOM is the strongest driver of turnout after brand affection and the marketing had done it's thing. And I never said the box office was an indicator of how good a movie is, which is highly subjective. I said it's the most reliable indicator of audience satisfaction. Yes brand affection can get a movie a lot of run, but it's not infinitely powerful. It can be eroded to the point that it becomes a problem, especially when you're spending north of $200 million on your movies like Lucasfilm does. If you start seeing week-to-week drops over 55% or so 3 weeks in then it's a good bet it's because the core fans aren't repeat viewing and everyone else is telling their friends, family, and coworkers not to bother.

Yeah, look at a movie like Justice League compared to BvS and SS (WW is different since it was actually well liked). JL is going to make 100M less than those first two movies but reviews and sentiment were about the same (mediocre).

It just takes time when you have a really powerful brand.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
You really didn't get a slapstick vibe from that?

Not really. The movie was full of nonsensical comedic moments, but that seemed well placed for what they were going for.

I will admit, though, that Kaine is right. Every single dramatic scene was undermined in some way, so I can understand why someone might think that bit was for comedic effect.
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Macho Ma'am
Rogue One made you actually fear Darth Vader again. That, in my book, was worth the admission price. That one minute segment of that movie.

This piece of shit movie? Ugh. I think that even the prequels had something dealing with the vacuum of space, I'm thinking on the Empire ships before the movie actually got started. I could be wrong, though.
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Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
the best part about Rogue One was that they actually let the two main protagonists die at the end. very un-Disney, which is what made it great. the asian guys, especially the blind one - not so much...

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Yeah, look at a movie like Justice League compared to BvS and SS (WW is different since it was actually well liked). JL is going to make 100M less than those first two movies but reviews and sentiment were about the same (mediocre).

It just takes time when you have a really powerful brand.

There was a stark difference between the audience capacity for JL vs. SW. JL was already ruined by BvS. By all merits, SW still had good graces, so the theater was full. JL, opening night, the theater was half empty. That was crazy.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
lol at some retards supporting a petition to remake the movie... yea that will happen.

Signez la pétition .

Disclaimer: I haven't seen it, I just thought it was funny that people think this would actually happen. Although for a film studio to have a chance to make money twice....


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
There was a stark difference between the audience capacity for JL vs. SW. JL was already ruined by BvS. By all merits, SW still had good graces, so the theater was full. JL, opening night, the theater was half empty. That was crazy.


But remember when WB was beside themselves after BvS was released? It was making a lot of money but it was still, what they considered to be, underperforming. It was because of those week-to-week drops. It ended up having a pretty short theatrical run as a result.


Tranny Chaser
Without spoilers I feel that some people are fixating on the wrong things.

It is as if you are watching the Great Gatsby and coming away with the idea that its the tale of a guy who lives on Long Island and has a really annoying neighbor. On a very fundamental level that is exactly what the Great Gatsby is... but the sequence of events that takes place in the story is, in many ways, only ancillary to the actual content.
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Trakanon Raider
This is what I expected so I wasn't really surprised with most of the film, I just didn't expect all the mysteries to be a waste of time and the story to be such a mess. You've got your toy options, one person of each ethnicity, goofy shit everywhere and a handful of morality tales repeated throughout the film. Its like a movie by committee made to not exclude or offend anyone. I don't watch a bunch of Disney films but I bet they all use the same formula.
Rian's response to fan feedback. Jeez, he's pretty myopic, and ended up making a bad movie anyway.

View attachment 158163

He doesn't care. He replied on twitter to an onion article saying that the new Star Wars film left Nien Numb fans disappointed once again. He doesn't give two shits. He thinks the people that hate it are just being stubborn and dumb.

For fucksake stop going with the red herring that it wasn't what fans expected. Fuck you. It could have been totally different from what we expected, but still good. The only way it disappointed fans by not being what we expected was that instead of expecting it to be good, it was bad.

Again, what are we supposed to be excited about exactly? Why go see Episode 9? What are we going to theorize about while waiting for the next film? What are we going to get excited about that keeps us up at night? Nothing. Even the people that liked it or even loved it can't give a good answer to "what are we looking forward to now exactly?" There's fucking nothing, and that's why my first thought upon talking about this film/reviewing it was that "whelp, I don't have any excitement at all for episode 9."

Poor Mark Hamil man. Having met the guy at Celebrations and having been to his panels over the years it's just sad. I've watched him grow from avoiding the fandom completely, to just doing autographs at Celebration but not participating, to truly embracing it and loving Star Wars deep down as a fan. No wonder he's so disappointed and no wonder he was saying he disagreed with everything. Of course Disney muzzled him so he started to sort of give answers that were like "well initially I disagreed with everything, but I went with it..." Lol the video that compares Mark's face before the premiere and after the premiere is priceless. He honestly looks like he's going to have a heart attack after the film. I don't even think he cared about dying, but he cared about Luke and he cares about Star Wars, and he had that crushed and he feels a part of it. And as a major fan and as someone that connects with his fans a lot now and embraces them, he feels like he was forced into the betrayal as well and feels like shit.

Again people keep trying to explain the specific reasons it was bad and people keep trying to defend against those specific reasons, but you can defend every single specific reason and it still doesn't matter, the film still sucks because only one major thing matters and it's the emotion of excitement. There's none left for EP9 because the film left us with nothing to get excited about in all the ways an epic sci/fi fantasy middle trilogy film is supposed to do.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Best thing you can do at this point, is to NOT go see it again. Tell all your friends who have not seen it yet to wait till this shit-show is out of the theaters. Mark Hamill already said it, "Remember kids, it is not important if it's of high quality. Only that it makes money."

No fucking way I am giving Rian Johnson's new trilogy a single penny of my money.


Avatar of War Slayer
I'm not even a big Star Wars fan (Dune is my choice of "sci-fi"), and I thought this movie sucked.
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Trakanon Raider
Best thing you can do at this point, is to NOT go see it again. Tell all your friends who have not seen it yet to wait till this shit-show is out of the theaters. Mark Hamill already said it, "Remember kids, it is not important if it's of high quality. Only that it makes money."

No fucking way I am giving Rian Johnson's new trilogy a single penny of my money.

There's a sad video of Mark Hamil after Disney flogged him for talking negatively about the script where he says "yeah I disagree with everything, but I.. I've learned.. people like to be surprised and it's getting harder and harder to surprise people so... so, I've learned that's more important and... and my worries were assuaged." Haha man. I want to give him a hug.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Without spoilers I feel that some people are fixating on the wrong things.

It is as if you are watching the Great Gatsby and coming away with the idea that its the tale of a guy who lives on Long Island and has a really annoying neighbor. On a very fundamental level that is exactly what the Great Gatsby is... but the sequence of events that takes place in the story is, in many ways, only ancillary to the actual content.

I disagree with this completely.

The Great Gatsby makes very clear what is going on by the end of the book/movie. You take a crazy path to get there, but at no point do you look at it from the point of view of Gatsby's neighbors.

By the end of this movie, you are wondering what the hell did all this mean? So they saved 20 or so of the last rebels from the salt planet. So? Luke's dead, the outer-rim rebels didn't answer the call, Rey doesn't have a mentor (just some books) and her parents were nobody, Finn was useless, less chubby Margaret Cho is going to survive but why, Poe is a less lucky Han Solo, Leia is still alive for some stupid reason, Kylo is now supreme leader but doesn't have any of the skills to utilize it, and we have lightsaber boy who won't have any impact on this story line. What the fuck did this movie accomplish except temporarily messing up the good time of the rich assholes at the casino? Nothing except shitting on basically everything they set up in TFA.
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