Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Potato del Grande
The real magic force that surrounds this movie is all the people talking about all the problems with this movie and then still coming to the conclusion that it wasn't bad. (and believe me because of the heart strings and star wars effects I walked out of the movie debating the same things in my head)
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm not sure that it can be said they're out of touch with the broader, general audience. A couple of the audience score metrics like Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic show very deep divisions while IMDB shows it to be less so. But the metric that the industry itself uses to determine how positive word of mouth is coming out of the opening weekend (Cinemascore) shows it to be even more popular still with audiences.

But all of those metrics have their particular shortcomings. RT, Meta, and IMDB are all prone to brigading (in either direction, positive and negative). Cinemascore has stronger bonafides but it's a much narrower snapshot than the others. The most reliable indicator at the end of the day is the box office itself. That's predictably strong so far but it's still early yet.

It takes awhile for IMDB score to adjust to all the fanboys that gave it a 10/10 before they even saw it. It's dropping steadily. It was 9.0 when I watched on thursday it and is 7.8 now.

I've been reading a lot of articles about how the hate from this movie is coming from a small minority of vocal trolls and alt righters and everyone else loves it. It will be interesting to see their reaction if the movie has a 60% drop next weekend.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I will say, as someone who was meh on the movie overall, that they would have had the ultimate movie if Rey accepts Kylos offer and the remaining rebels are allowed to leave, because new galactic order is in place. Then maybe have Leia go all alla Akbar and want to suicide attack, rather than accept a benevolent empire or something, setting the stage for Luke to have to somehow fix things in E9. Chunky Asian and Finn get turned loose and Phasma and Hux get ganked for not accepting it, either. Hell, have a whole "bendu" faction start up and elements of the actual FO joing the rebels to oppose it in E9. They had a moment where they could have taken an average movie and blown away the expectations plus surpass the "I am your father" moment. Instead, at the moment of truth, he played it safe. I am guessing he was more interested in pushing his SJW shit that actually reinventing the franchise.
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Molten Core Raider
Still angry about this. Rian Johnson gets gifted with the opportunity to do a Star Wars movie and he shits on everything Luke Skywalker stood for for the sake of being different. Enormously wasted opportunity. JJ Abrams put the ball on a T for him and the dude struck out.

Continue Luke's path towards being a wise, badass Jedi master? Nah, let's turn him into a giant apathetic p*&ssy to be different and make some statement. (Strike 1)
Explain Rey's ridiculous untrained powers from the TFA with some cool lineage? Nah, let's make her a nobody that could just randomly win saber fights against trained Sith, call objects with the force, use the Jedi mind trick with no training or even knowledge of it, have Luke / Anakin's saber call her. (Strike 2)
Explain how Snoke popped up out of nowhere almost the instant the emperor died and in no time had this massive force under his control? Nah, character is too interesting, let's kill him to be different. (Strike 3)

His failure is complete.
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Potato del Grande
Does JJ get a pass for ruining Han Solo? lol. Force Awakens was shit too, just in retrospect not as shit as this turd.
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Got something right about marriage
Like I said. I don't think this is solely Rian Johnson's fault. I have a feeling he was pushed to make exactly this movie. Disney owns the IP and suddenly we get what felt almost like a Star Wars themed Despicable Me. That's how much comic relief there was in the movie and how far it took the franchise away from anything resembling the original trilogy.
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Potato del Grande
Seems like Kathleen Kennedy is the person we need to be blaming. But hey, they're making money. I guess Mark Hamill is wiser than fucking Luke Skywalker at this point.
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<Bronze Donator>
Nah it's his fault because he could have left just like the first guy that was supposed to do it. First guy left over creative differences. They got a guy that would go along with the bullshit they put out.
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Potato del Grande
Does JJ get a pass for ruining Han Solo? lol. Force Awakens was shit too, just in retrospect not as shit as this turd.

Nah man, Force Awakens was not a great film, but it wasn't terrible. Seriously, this trash was worse for me than Episode One. I just think its that bad...there are so many things wrong with this film, and it's quite amazing how much of a shit Rian took on this series.

Rogue One is like a Spielberg masterpiece compared this this excrement.
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Potato del Grande
I really feel like the entire storyline set up from Force Awakens shits on the OT's heroes. This movie just cements it in hard. Like fuck you guys, all your imaginations that were set on fire by this stuff in the 80s ended up with all these guys living terrible fucking lives and making the galaxy a worse fucking place.

Killing off Han and Luke like chumps. Fuck you Kathleen, fuck you Disney, and fuck you for selling out George.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
I certainly seem to have enjoyed this more than the majority here, but in looking back it's pretty clear that repeat viewings will not do this movie any favors. I thought the direction they took Luke was mostly fine. It was one of the few subversive elements that worked well for me. Whether Hamill hated it or not, he nailed the part and I absolutely preferred Johnson's take on him to the safe option of Luke returning as the same character he was in 1983 except that now he has a beard and the withered skin of a man who spent the intervening years fishing around trash cans for half-spent cigarettes.

I do give Johnson credit for dropping his hairy ballsack front and center on the table for all to see. That's exactly what Star Wars has needed for a while now. Sadly, someone should have told him clear up his aggressive case of herpes before presenting it to the world. We would have gotten a much better film for it.
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<Bronze Donator>
I do give Johnson credit for dropping his hairy ballsack front and center on the table for all to see. That's exactly what Star Wars has needed for a while now. Sadly, someone should have told him clear up his aggressive case of herpes before presenting it to the world. We would have gotten a much better film for it.

this is either the best or the worst analogy i've ever heard. not sure which.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I really feel like the entire storyline set up from Force Awakens shits on the OT's heroes. This movie just cements it in hard. Like fuck you guys, all your imaginations that were set on fire by this stuff in the 80s ended up with all these guys living terrible fucking lives and making the galaxy a worse fucking place.

Killing off Han and Luke like chumps. Fuck you Kathleen, fuck you Disney, and fuck you for selling out George.

Whats the Star Wars equivalent of a Worf?
  • 3Worf
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
So should I go see this movie? I'm a filthy casual, saw all the feature films and played some SW video games like KOTOR, but never watched the cartoons or read the books.

I just rewatched TFA and R1 today and was meh on both.
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