Rian Johnson is garbage and should never be given a chance to ruin another franchise.
Its sad when you have to bring in JJ Abrams to SALVAGE a fucking franchise, one that he conservatively brought back to life with TFA. When Luke Skywalker is running around and telling anyone who will listen how much he disagreed with Johnson's vision and disliked the fate and arc of his character in the movie, you got a huge problem.
I dont understand why Disney would make these decisions,
-Minimize Luke Skywalker and turn him into a self absorbed, grumpy hermit who has almost no real affect on the direction of the plot (besides fan service at the end to even justify him being apart of the movie in the first place).
-Not kill off Princess Leia, and have the Mary Poppins thing in the final cut, knowing the negative reaction they would get.
-Totally render Finn, Phasma, and that entire arc useless, by having all of their efforts end up being in vain and made no real impact on the viewer, or the plot.
-Not expand, explain or even spend 5 minutes on the origins of Snoke, instead killing him off, making his character entirely forgettable and erased all of the speculation and fan anticipation.
I bet they attempt to minimize this film going forward and throw all of their eggs in the episode 9 basket, Toy sales for TLJ were below expectations, and the reception has been luke warm to negative. The numbers were there because Star Wars, but Abrams is going to have to really turn the ship around in order to wrap everything up in a way that satisfies everyone. I think he can do it.