That's effectively what Disney did by gifting the shitpile that became TLJ to Rian Johnson. Turns out it was the foreplay to his sodomy he's about to perform on the franchise when he pumps out his trilogy "from scratch".The sad part is Disney has the ability to go their own direction with Star Wars since they seem to have a massive raging boner about fucking to all the exsisting lore. Why not just go KOTOR style and create a new story from scratch in a different timeline. No need to shit on the cannon and fuck over Luke, Han, and their tard children.
(I.E. He just blamed Kennedy for the Leia Poppins bullshit after Rey got caught looking stupid during a sit-down interview about it).
a bomber plane in outspace even though lol what's gravity should be forcibly face fucked with a tire iron.
Was the Asian cunt who fell down her ship and the bomb remote control also magnets? Otherwise try again..
TLDR: too long didnt researchWas the Asian cunt who fell down her ship and the bomb remote control also magnets? Otherwise try again..
TLDR: too long didnt research
TLDR: too long didnt research
Was the Asian cunt who fell down her ship and the bomb remote control also magnets? Otherwise try again..
Why does the Millennium Falcon have gravity in it? Why aren't all the people and objects blown out into the vacuum of space in the hangars of star destroyers?
Why didn't Leia plummet like a rock instead of floating? There is no consistency and the writing it piss poor. The movie sucked monkey shit. I feel bad for Mark Hamill.
ooooooo link please
Why didn't Leia plummet like a rock instead of floating?
I've shit on the movie plenty, but I considered that scene to at least be in line with the spirit of previous movies, which have never been really great at respecting physics / science. I may have had a fleeting moment of "well that's kind of dumb" before thinking of ways it could be explained away.The unbelievably fucking retardedly contrived tension about whether the bombs are going to fall or not is one of the things worth criticizing though. If I were like 12 years old and had an IQ of like 12, then I probably would have thought that scene was pretty awesome.