Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Different spot with the same spoilery shot in it, but in HD (it's shown in the thumbnail as well so ...)



Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I'm thinking more and more he is one of the Ancient Order of the Whills.

A new contender has entered the Theorydome:


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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
One concern I absolutely do not have going into this is it not having some great visuals.

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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Reminder, world premiere is in less than an hour. Spoilers definitely got out within hours of this for TFA so beware out there.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
For the Rogue One premier they had a full size X-Wing outside the theater, for TLJ:

The early reactions to the movie are, as expected, very positive. They always are following the premier. Quite a few mentions of major plot twists.

While it's just a social media reaction, which are supposed to avoid specifics, this one sounds a little ominous in an inside baseball sort of way so I'll tag it. It could be interpreted as quite a biggie.

The reviews that will start dropping early next week will obviously be more interesting. I'm expecting this one to be divisive. Any installment of a long established franchise that tries to redefine core elements or characters of that franchise, which this movie seems to be aiming for, are bound to divide it's fans. Providing answers to popular questions will usually end up destroying a lot of people's head canon in ways they end up protesting. Whether it ends up being divisive-good or divisive-bad remains to be seen.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Every initial reaction I’ve seen says go in as blind as you can. I’m going to attempt the impossible, see you in a few days bros. This one looks like something special.
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Trakanon Raider
"I can’t believe The Last Jedi exists. @rianjohnson is a madman and I love him for it. He takes Star Wars to the edge and throws it over. What a crazy, awesome movie. We’ll be talking about this one for a long, long time."

It's comments like this that makes me want to read the spoilers because i'm not sure what to believe or trust. This is driving me crazy. I've not see one review in terms of good/bad, stars, or ratings but everyone is freaking out about how to process what they have experienced and not sure what to do about it.

This is going to drive me crazy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Was watching a MH:W stream last night and someone spoiled the ending of Ep.8, so yea, try to go in blind.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
It's comments like this that makes me want to read the spoilers because i'm not sure what to believe or trust. This is driving me crazy. I've not see one review in terms of good/bad, stars, or ratings but everyone is freaking out about how to process what they have experienced and not sure what to do about it.

This is going to drive me crazy.

If you're wanting something to possibly tamp down on your expectations there are a couple of people who have said it felt a little long, that it drags a bit in the second act, and that some of the characters (Finn and BDT's, who are part of the same story arc) aren't handled as well as they could have been.

And remember even much of the positive buzz is the same sort of thing you hear at this point after each one of the new movies: the best one since ESB, my third favorite Star Wars behind ANH and Empire, the best since RoTS, etc, etc.
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Trakanon Raider
The spoilers are finally making their way around and the most commonly shared spoiler seems to be in detail on I have no way to confirm anything and most recommend you stay away from spoilers. Just sharing what others shared with me.
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