Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just got back from seeing this the first time. How sad this is Carrie and Mark's exit from Star Wars.

Im still trying to process how much I hated this movie
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Potato del Grande
Redlettermedia review is pretty accurate, a lot of things good in theory but executed poorly.

Like Rey and Snoke being nobodies and the SJW message of "anyone can be powerful in the force" is fine and true to the lore, but you have to do something with it to replace the hype about them.

Snoke could have trained all those guards in the force so when Kylo Ren betrays him he realises there's nothing special about him and there's a whole bunch of possible successors to supreme leader as powerful as he is. Have his ass get kicked (and Rey's).

Rey could have started recruiting a new Jedi order at the end, how powerful would it have been if lightsaber broom kid was visited by Rey (and possibly with Kylo Ren) at the end!?

Then you set up large force user battles for the final movie.

Pewdiepie has a pretty good review too, I was crying with laughter when he talks about the space walrus milking scene. Too many missed jokes.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
violated the rule of two

They aren't Sith and even if they were, the Sith existed for thousands of years before Darth Bane imposed the rule of two and the deaths of Palpatine and Sidious illustrate how dangerous the rule of two is.


Got something right about marriage
Redlettermedia review is pretty accurate, a lot of things good in theory but executed poorly.

Like Rey and Snoke being nobodies and the SJW message of "anyone can be powerful in the force" is fine and true to the lore, but you have to do something with it to replace the hype about them.

Snoke could have trained all those guards in the force and violated the rule of two, so when Kylo Ren betrays him he realises there's nothing special about him and there's a whole bunch of possible successors to supreme leader as powerful as he is. Have his ass get kicked (and Rey's).

Rey could have started recruiting a new Jedi order at the end, how powerful would it have been if lightsaber broom kid was visited by Rey (and possibly with Kylo Ren) at the end!?

Then you set up large force user battles for the final movie.

All of this actually sounds worse than what we got. Especially the "Snoke trained all these other guards to be as powerful as Kylo, the kid everyone was talking about having the most raw strength ever seen".
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Redlettermedia review is pretty accurate, a lot of things good in theory but executed poorly.

Like Rey and Snoke being nobodies and the SJW message of "anyone can be powerful in the force" is fine and true to the lore, but you have to do something with it to replace the hype about them.

Snoke could have trained all those guards in the force and violated the rule of two, so when Kylo Ren betrays him he realises there's nothing special about him and there's a whole bunch of possible successors to supreme leader as powerful as he is. Have his ass get kicked (and Rey's).

Rey could have started recruiting a new Jedi order at the end, how powerful would it have been if lightsaber broom kid was visited by Rey (and possibly with Kylo Ren) at the end!?

Then you set up large force user battles for the final movie.

Pewdiepie has a pretty good review too, I was crying with laughter when he talks about the space walrus milking scene. Too many missed jokes.

Haven't watched any of his videos in a while, but "space nuns" fucking loool.


FPS noob
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Deleted Scenes: Everything We Know – /Film

20+ extra mins will be on DVDs i guess. There was a deleted caretaker party and even MORE casino planet, i bet you can't wait
Luke Skywalker's Last Lesson To Rey

One of the biggest deleted scenes involves another lesson Luke Skywalker gives to Rey, taking place chronologically after they talk inside the cave where Luke mentions Darth Sidious. Rey notices boats arriving at the island and there appears to be a big fire from where they’re landing. Luke tells her that it is a group of bandits who regularly come back to the island to plunder and kill the caretakers. Rey is very concerned and wants to help them, but Luke tells her that if you help them now, the raiders will come back stronger and it will make things worse in the future. He asks Rey if she is always going to be here to protect them, saying that a true Jedi Knight would do nothing and would only act to maintain balance, even when people get hurt.

Rey, furious at his reasoning, ignites her lightsaber and runs really fast, a Force-powered run that we glimpsed in one of the featurettes about the making of the film (see the screenshot at the top of this article). She runs over rocks on shallow water and bursts through a door with her saber into the village square ready for battle. Luke yells for her to wait, but she doesn’t stop.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
One of the biggest deleted scenes involves another lesson Luke Skywalker gives to Rey, taking place chronologically after they talk inside the cave where Luke mentions Darth Sidious. Rey notices boats arriving at the island and there appears to be a big fire from where they’re landing. Luke tells her that it is a group of bandits who regularly come back to the island to plunder and kill the caretakers. Rey is very concerned and wants to help them, but Luke tells her that if you help them now, the raiders will come back stronger and it will make things worse in the future. He asks Rey if she is always going to be here to protect them, saying that a true Jedi Knight would do nothing and would only act to maintain balance, even when people get hurt.

Rey, furious at his reasoning, ignites her lightsaber and runs really fast, a Force-powered run that we glimpsed in one of the featurettes about the making of the film (see the screenshot at the top of this article). She runs over rocks on shallow water and bursts through a door with her saber into the village square ready for battle. Luke yells for her to wait, but she doesn’t stop.

The irony here is that Luke's reasoning is very close to Sith philosophy and pretty much directly contradicts the Jedi code and what the Jedi stood for. The Jedi were not preservers of balance, they were preservers of peace. They would not sit by and watch bandits plunder and kill natives, and while they should make an attempt to end the conflict non-violently, they wouldn't shy away from necessary violence. The Jedi had always been the peacekeepers of the galaxy and one of the central parts of Palpatine's plan was to manipulate the Jedi out of their role as peacekeepers and into a military one.

Conversely, a Sith would refuse to help the caretakers not because LOL IM EVIL but because to help them would just be to encourage weakness and dependency on others.
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Potato del Grande
They aren't Sith and even if they were, the Sith existed for thousands of years before Darth Bane imposed the rule of two and the deaths of Palpatine and Sidious illustrate how dangerous the rule of two is.

I mention it just because the audience is expecting a master and apprentice, at least an army of force users is different.


Molten Core Raider
I mention it just because the audience is expecting a master and apprentice, at least an army of force users is different.

Why would the audience expect that? It's a stupid throwaway line from the prequels, right up there with Midichlorians, which for some retarded reason turned the simple fact that the original trilogy just happened to have 2 bad guys into some kinda rule, just like the pilot helm Han happened to have collecting dust on the Falcon "turned out" to be a Jedi-training device all along (surprise!).

Nobody expects the Rule of Two in a Star Wars movie that doesn't prominently feature Jar Jar Binks as well.


Potato del Grande
Why would the audience expect that? It's a stupid throwaway line from the prequels, right up there with Midichlorians, which for some retarded reason turned the simple fact that the original trilogy just happened to have 2 bad guys into some kinda rule, just like the pilot helm Han happened to have collecting dust on the Falcon "turned out" to be a Jedi-training device all along (surprise!).

Nobody expects the Rule of Two in a Star Wars movie that doesn't prominently feature Jar Jar Binks as well.

Ignore that I used the technical term for it from the lore. Drop the autism.

We haven't had a movie with anything other than main baddie and sub baddie with force powers - Emperor and Maul/Dooku/Vader or Snoke and Ren.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ignore that I used the technical term for it from the lore. Drop the autism.

We haven't had a movie with anything other than main baddie and sub baddie with force powers - Emperor and Maul/Dooku/Vader or Snoke and Ren.

Except that the technical term means something very specific. When you re-frame it the way you just did with general terms, I agree with you.


Potato del Grande
The Last Jedi is feminist SJW garbage. Kathleen Kennedy and Disney is to blame for this shit.

Now it's literally our generation of nerds REEEEEEEING lol, it's a well played troll. You win.

I wonder how Donald Trump would write Star Wars.


(also, did Rey rape Luke? No means no always right?)
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Potato del Grande
The Last Jedi is feminist SJW garbage. Kathleen Kennedy and Disney is to blame for this shit.

Now it's literally our generation of nerds REEEEEEEING lol, it's a well played troll. You win.

I wonder how Donald Trump would write Star Wars.


(also, did Rey rape Luke? No means no always right?)
The asian girl sexually harassed Finn when she kissed him. He clearly wants to friendzone her.
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That guy
I dunno but i'm pretty sure Rey had some serious fuckme eyes going on when she met Poe for the first time. Goddamn fighter pilots (f u ut).
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Potato del Grande
I dunno but i'm pretty sure Rey had some serious fuckme eyes going on when she met Poe for the first time. Goddamn fighter pilots (f u ut).
Yeah I noticed that, there's was some tension with topless Kylo too though.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I dunno but i'm pretty sure Rey had some serious fuckme eyes going on when she met Poe for the first time. Goddamn fighter pilots (f u ut).

Yo she sure did. That was straight up boom chicka wow wow, don't come knocking when the Falcon's rocking. I thought the exact same thing, I look forward to the Rey - Hope - Poe - Finn - Kylo love pentacle in Ep 9.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I think it's pretty easy to see what Johnson was going for. The "twist" of TLJ was the full inversion of ESB. He didn't rehash it, he turned it on it's head. No one went into ESB with a laundry list of expectations, just a general question of "I wonder what's gonna happen next?". It was afterwards that you formed your very specific questions (What's gonna happen to Han? How is Luke gonna fight with only one hand and no lightsaber? What are Lando and Chewie gonna be up to?). TLJ has done the opposite of that. It took a lot of specific questions and left you with "Well fuck, what now?".

I think Lucasfilm got very sensitive to all of the rehash criticisms coming out of TFA, but they may have allowed Rian Johnson be too clever by half as the answer to those. I, on balance, liked his movie. But even I can see the problem with asking people to spend the next two years pondering nothing in particular.

I understand the comparison but I feel like TLJ completely failed even there - the audience had lots of specific questions after TFA that TLJ did not answer. Not only didn't answer, but specifically ignored or just said "Now it doesn't matter what the answer was, move along!". So we have basically no answers for the questions from TFA and the only things that really remain are traces of those same questions. That's pretty weak story telling. I'm all for show and don't tell but they're not even trying to show, either. Where did the First Order come from and why are they basically just the Empire, using Empire troops and ships and infrastructure and crazy doom-weapon nonsense? Who, and what, is Snoke? Oh, now I guess it doesn't matter. Is there no actual line of power succession? Why, if the dark side users don't have to be Sith, do the light side still have to be Jedi? Why was Admiral PurpleHair so goddamn slow to move her ship to either intercept those shots or y'know, do the crazy thing there's no precedence for because now it opens up a huge can of weaponized worms?

That's why I said the movie was very meh. Everything "big" that happened didn't answer any questions and didn't raise any new ones, basically the entire movie the most significant thing is the dumb hyperlight attack, which while admittedly awesome, is probably a terrible idea itself.

They just aren't taking advantage of the universe of Star Wars at all. They keep focusing down on the 1 faction vs 1 faction scenario, the people of the previous trilogy while barely fleshing out the new cast (Rey is the only one I like out of all the new characters and that may be because she has that accent). They keep referring to all the crazy stuff all over the place, the vast history, the vastness of the Force, etc. but they don't actually do anything with it. At least the prequels sort of did and those were hemmed in by the original trilogy (not that it ended up mattering because shitty writing there too). Ep. 7-9 have the opportunity to really expand and take advantage of a great idea and great universe, which has always been what I liked about SW, but instead we just get the sequel versions of the prequels.

Edit: I will say I don't get the general bigotry of some of the posters here, the one thing I'll give the new movies credit for is being passively inclusive instead of overtly. The only person that seemed overtly crammed into a role for no reason was purple hair but I think that character was just badly written so can't blame her for it... probably. Most movies that have token characters make it super obvious.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Someone needs to take the scene where Rey gives Luke the lightsaber and he tosses it over his shoulder and shoop Rian Johnson's face onto Luke, and make the Lightsaber say TFA + OT.

The internet is going to have a field day memeing this POS
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