Millie's Staff Member
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George Lucas, for all the crap that he got for the prequels... the man was/is a creative genius and was the heart of Star Wars. He really is the hero we need when you look at the big picture of everything to do with this franchise.
...put it this way about this film:
I was finishing character's lines during key moments. A COUPLE OF TIMES, NOT JUST ONCE.
So yes, it's highly predictable too on top of being awful.
This is what happens when you take such an iconic fixture and put it in so many wrong hands.
One HUGE praise though: John Williams is still the man. His use of Wagnerian leitmotifs peppered throughout the film is spot on as usual.
Oh no, this disappointment in the present will NOT allow George Lucas to be looked at in a favorable light.
Lest ye forget the Ewoks, Jar Jar, and Midichlorians.
The reason the original trilogy was a success was because Lucas did NOT have free reign. His ideals for a space spaghetti western were, in truth, the basis of the success. But in the OT he was surrounded by other good people, enough that the GOOD ideas remained and the retarded ones were mostly filtered out.
You can see his slow, creeping increased influence in Return of the Jedi, because his desire to sell toys to kids and make all the monies ALMOST ruined it. Then in the new trilogy "it's like poetry" and holy shit Lucas is a complete fucking hack when no one is strong enough to just say "yeah, this whole midichlorian thing is pretty stupid, George, maybe leave that out. Also, that line about sand, yeah maybe spruce that relationship talk up a little. Have you ever actually talked to girl?"
And, as far as my 50 year old brain is concerned, this (hopefully) last official trilogy is irrelevant and not really even part of the conversation. It is happening...over there. Outside of the sphere that is the Star Wars of the 70's and 80's. They did what they did with it, they did not get any of my money, I am over it.
Edit - mostly. With therapy. And drugs.
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