Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Musty Nester
That's about the best you could hope for.

After TLJ they gave JJ an impossible task. That he did not outright shit in your mouth... how could anyone expect him to fix TLJ in one movie? The only fix was to reject it, remake it, and pretend Rian's movie never happened. You'd wind up with a trilogy of 4 movies but...

Even if he was the best director of his generation, which he is not, it would be an impossible task.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Rian's movie lacked so much, if JJ had a chance to incorporate Luke.. oh boy, the baddasary we could have seen. Instead we got a hologram, nice.

Seems like they all got good send-offs except Luke... and only cause Luke was solely in 8 lol.
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<Bronze Donator>
I talked about probably succumbing to peer pressure to go see this with other friends... No one has brought this movie up at all this week. Kind of surprising.

Looking more and more like a cam watch this Sunday.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Saw it for the third time today. Sold out crowd seemed pretty positive with applause at the end, as it has with each viewing. Guess my crowds are different than the ones you guys are experiencing, or not experiencing since you aren't bothering to even see it.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
They're part of the borg dude. It's over.

I went to see the movie even if I hated TLJ. Because it's Star Wars. I understand voting with your dollar, and that's a very valid point, and I'll do it usually. But I believe in 2019 that there are other things you can do to make your voice heard. If you see this movie, you'll see that they got the message from the fans. They tried to fix it... They got the message on Twitter and Reddit and Youtube comments and ratings and at conventions and shit. They knew fans were pissed. There's a shitload of fan service in there that says "we heard you!".

I liked the movie. Probably because of the cinema experience, watching the movie on a huge screen with loud music and sound. But like someone not far up the thread said, just don't think too hard about the plot. The actors are good, there's Tie Fighters and the Falcon and lasers, and Star Wars music that takes you straight back to the 80s. Now just give this to Favreau and give me a new family to follow, a couple hundred years from the death of the last Skywalker, sans fucking SJW bullshit.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I haven't watched this movie but I hold each of you retards accountable for giving them money thus justifying the production of this atrocity. You didn't even have the decency to pirate it instead.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
I haven't watched this movie but I hold each of you retards accountable for giving them money thus justifying the production of this atrocity. You didn't even have the decency to pirate it instead.

I haven't seen this one yet, but every Star Wars movie that comes along is good for at least one ticket from me, no matter how large of a shit pile it's purported to be. I was obsessed with the OT as a kid, and even after giving due consideration to the parade of mediocrity and nonsense that has followed (along with some bright spots), I at least have to see what they've done for myself.

And no fucks given. If everyone who saw these things went to the theater only once, they'd be abysmal financial failures. Star Wars movies make their money on repeat viewings. If the goal is to "send a message", a massive second week slump gets the point across. I only watched TLJ in the theater once, a first for me and mainline Star Wars. I haven't even bothered to watch it again at home, on Netflix, for free.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I love the people bitching about which shitty entertainment company is going to get my $15 this week.

There's a disturbing trend here of trying to guilt others into watching cams. Why? What's the fascination with watching inferior quality products? So you still care enough about the story to want to invest a couple hours but you don't have the mental capacity to wait a couple months until it's on cable? With so much entertainment available I have no desire to load up a cam. I can wait.

I value my time a lot more than the $15 for a ticket. If im going to spend over 2 hours of my time then im going to see it the right way. I get to the theater once or twice a year to see "my" movies. This year it was endgame and star wars. Everything else I can easily wait till it's on one of my streaming platforms.

And don't get me wrong, if you can stand cam quality and don't care about the movie going experience, and you're the type of person that needs to see it all, have at it, but the trend around here of trying to guilt others into watching cams just seems over the top.
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<Silver Donator>
Wasnt 3po programmed by a 7 yr old? Why did he have measures in place not to translate shit?

How did leia survive the vacuum of space just to force die? When did she train to be a jedi and be a better jedi master than fucking Luke skywalker? Because vagina?

Where did the resistance fleet come from after having been wiped out a few weeks prior?

How did Palps survive an exploding death star? How did he hide literally an empire under ice after losing everything? Which cheeks did he clap to have kids?

Lol at burrying the sabers on tatooine, literally the shithole luke couldnt wait to escape and a planet that meant nothing to Leia. They re just phoning dumb shit in because tatooine was one of the first alien planet fleshed out on screen in the OT and you suckers are gargling that shit in.

Why is chewy 10 times more sad when Leia dies than when Han did? Was he tapping that on the side? That’s fucked up.

Why are we blowing entire ships with the force now? This isnt fucking dragonball Z. Power creep doesnt even begin to describe this dumb shit. Also Rey has all the jedia in her? This dumb cunt studied a few weeks under luke then whatever months under leia and she carries all the will and power of all jedis in her? What a sappy crock of shit.

When was star wars ever about flashy displays of powers and action scenes that dont make any fucking sense one after the other like it’s the fucking hobbit movie.
Use of the force was always subtle and a lot depended on stategy and not fucking getting caught by the empire.
Now we light skipping and bringing down fleets with the force or cutting tie wings with sabers. Being a force user also seem to make you immortal as far as crash damage and you can fucking not only heal with it but you can also straight up ressucitate the dead with it without any prior experience doing so.

i get suspension of disbelief when watching movies. Flashy cgi is fun to enjoy. But i’d need a lobotomy to enjoy this dumb abortion of a pretend star wars movie. In a sense i’m jealous of all you people enjoying this, i wish i could enjoy closure to my favourite saga of all time.

Wait no, i have closure, vader and the emperor are dead, leia and han will get together and luke will be with the force, always.

nvm i’m good.
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Potato del Grande
I love the people bitching about which shitty entertainment company is going to get my $15 this week.

There's a disturbing trend here of trying to guilt others into watching cams. Why? What's the fascination with watching inferior quality products? So you still care enough about the story to want to invest a couple hours but you don't have the mental capacity to wait a couple months until it's on cable? With so much entertainment available I have no desire to load up a cam. I can wait.

I value my time a lot more than the $15 for a ticket. If im going to spend over 2 hours of my time then im going to see it the right way. I get to the theater once or twice a year to see "my" movies. This year it was endgame and star wars. Everything else I can easily wait till it's on one of my streaming platforms.

And don't get me wrong, if you can stand cam quality and don't care about the movie going experience, and you're the type of person that needs to see it all, have at it, but the trend around here of trying to guilt others into watching cams just seems over the top.
TLDR: Retard justifying paying for the continuation of shitty media
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
As a side note I’m catching up on the mandalorian. This is really good.
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Millie's Staff Member
I haven't watched this movie but I hold each of you retards accountable for giving them money thus justifying the production of this atrocity. You didn't even have the decency to pirate it instead.
they couldnt even wait to see it after the weekend or pay to see Cats and walk into this instead. they specifically jumped at the chance to enable Disney to make more TLJs. this is why you get these films. they got these morons to lead around by the nose.
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Tranny Chaser
Well despite Threepio being assembled by a kid he did so using various leftover Droid parts which included, presumably, the central core of a protocol Droid. It might have been ancient as fuck which is why it even had the translation matrix for Sith in it and came with a post Sith War old republic security update that blocked the ability to translate it. So Babu Frik had to roll him back to factory default to get rid of the security patch.

Of all the plot holes in the movie this one was quite minor.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i just keep thinking how much more sense this movie would have made if it started out with vader tossing palpatine over the railing, but keep the focus on palpy as he falls and do something bizarre like have him unleash such a torrent of dark energy that it basically opens up a rift in space and he gets sucked into it. then have him functionally be darth nihilus, a wound in the force. and instead of magically non-explaining how he gathered this giant fleet, have him get sucked into some folded space or something and it happens to be where revan left a seed of the infinite empire that was able to grow over the 4000 years into something able to create giant fleets. THEN have that stupid lightspeed skipping be an accident. poe and finn are being chased by kylo and the falcon gets damaged right as it enters lightspeed and it just shorts out and starts skipping around. one of their skips briefly brings them to where palpatine is and that's where the reveal to the characters is. kylo is able to follow them because the lightspeed skipping is leaving wormholes or something and there you go.

i just wish the poeple in charge of these movies weren't so afraid to mention EU stuff. my hope for when they announced it wasn't cannon was that it would allow them to ignore certain things that were stupid and use other things that were great (but fit them into the new narrative). the movies are terrified of talking about anything that happened outside of the timeframe of the movies themselves
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Macho Ma'am
How about the dumbest shit ever?

How did Yoda, a master of such unbelievable repute, miss the fact that Leia was such a bad-ass with the force?

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