i would take a JarJar origin story film directed by George Lucas over any of the Disney SW filmsThese people are drowning in the koolaid.
i think we had that question already, when asked if any of us would go see ep9 in theaters, i think we got only one or two who said hell yeah, the rest said hell no or they would at least wait for the trailer or reviews before deciding on paying to see it.JJ is retconning basically nada. Luke was already confirmed in Episode 9 to be dead, and he was killed in post-production of TLJ. If there was going to be retconning, Luke would be alive.
But putting Rian out there, a Disney employee, to get you to buy a ticket based on his opinion of how he feels whether JJ retcons or not-- despite Rian calling no shots on the movie.
Yeah, that happened.
And the guppies loved it, and some of you will buy tickets based on it.
i think we had that question already, when asked if any of us would go see ep9 in theaters, i think we got only one or two who said hell yeah, the rest said hell no or they would at least wait for the trailer or reviews before deciding on paying to see it.
probably, i never knew we had this many cucks here who would encourage disney with their wallets to keep making SJW superhero movies, so probably those same cucks will throw more of their cash at this drivel.You have too much faith.
I probably would've paid money to watch the movie if Rey joined Kylo. Oh well. Definitely won't pay for this regardless, just like Solo.Not having TLJ in a trilogy set would be hilarious and I totally support that
But remember the only thing going for TFA is that it's better than TLJ
Only way to save star wars is to have Rey join the dark side with Kylo and have Luke return tp defeat them.
Rian Johnson Is OK With the Possibility of Star Wars: Episode IX Retconning The Last Jedi
How do we put this delicately? Some of the decisions Rian Johnson made in Star Wars: The Last Jedi...rubbed people the wrong way. The handling of Lukeio9.gizmodo.com
probably, i never knew we had this many cucks here who would encourage disney with their wallets to keep making SJW superhero movies, so probably those same cucks will throw more of their cash at this drivel.
maybe people need a better way to budget their time, instead of going to the movies and inhaling a vat of popcorn and a giant soft drink over the course of 2 hours every weekend, do something else? i go to thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets. its a lot of fun and i find all kinds of neat things. been doing that for 12 years and it still hasnt gotten old even if i dont always buy something. just the looking is worth itAll these motherfuckers with a ton of time and money to go see movies every weekend need to have kids or have more kids. I don't have time to see more than a few movies a year but that means I'm going to be super selective with those choices.
maybe people need a better way to budget their time, instead of going to the movies and inhaling a vat of popcorn and a giant soft drink over the course of 2 hours every weekend, do something else? i go to thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets. its a lot of fun and i find all kinds of neat things. been doing that for 12 years and it still hasnt gotten old even if i dont always buy something. just the looking is worth it
Made me think of this videoAnyone who judges the past through the lens of today is not only a short sighted idiot they are also failing to learn the lessons of the past, why things were the way they were, and how they could become that way again.
Funding morons.
i saw some beautiful vintage made in USA Stanley and Craftsman tools today. only a few dollars each. i didnt need them so i passed them up.My wife and I hit up estate sales. It is fun to see how good of a deal you can get on an item that you want. They are great for tools, dishes, and furniture with the occasional unique item.
they're literally all like that, the brit versions just sound gayer.That must be the exact guy that RLM pretends to be on their Nerd Show.
Retconning tlj would be funny.
I think it you're willing to go that far, you remake the entire thing and call it the last jedi part two or something, and stop liscencing the first one.
Or you make four movies, and when you release the trilogy pack you don't include tlj.