The Thrawn trilogy holds a special place because it was the first part of the Expanded Universe and the first non-comic post ROTJ content created. Thrawn himself is a fantastic character and that is why he got used in Rebels to good effect. Mara Jade was another great character who has never made it past the old Expanded Universe.
The rest of the Thrawn trilogy is kinda 'meh'. The insane Obi-Wan-like Borus Cbaoth, the anti-force sloths, the robo fleet manned by discount clones and a bunch of other things are just kinda silly and don't really feel like Star Wars. Leia is effectively just a Jedi-factory and serves the story mostly by being preggers for the whole trilogy along with silly New Republic parliamentary crap.
It was fine for what it was and when it was written, but I don't want to see it in movie form.