StarCraft 2


Goonsquad Officer
man. i failed this about 6 times, 2 times i sucked. 4 times my freaking opponent couldn't spare an SCV to help the rak'shir and we lost.

it's also pretty obnoxious that the infested terrans and/or some other units didn't drop mutagen for abathur :(


Vyemm Raider

Sick game.

And yes, that's Rain of SC2 fame.

Can't wait for the BW:HD remaster to make the viewing experience of this tournament even better.

That game was so good. Makes me pine for professional Brood War. Its still a better esport than SC2 ever was imo
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Mr. Poopybutthole
man. i failed this about 6 times, 2 times i sucked. 4 times my freaking opponent couldn't spare an SCV to help the rak'shir and we lost.

it's also pretty obnoxious that the infested terrans and/or some other units didn't drop mutagen for abathur :(

I had a failure yesterday where a single overlord snuck past us and ran Jinara all the way back to the sacrifice point at warp speed before we could get there to stop her. I was so fucking pissed.

Worst part is that I was playing Nova too, so if I'd been thinking clearly i could have just ferried my units there instantly. I just now realized that as I was posting ><


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't know if he's actually going to be any good, but Stukov looks like he's gonna be fun as hell.


Mr. Poopybutthole
After using her a bit more for brutals/mutations, she's a fun hero but I think Nova is badly underpowered. It takes tons of micro to keep from losing troops early on as you're building up, and the cooldown on podding in new troops makes every loss a big deal. Ravens are very prone to getting instagibbed even with goliaths protecting them leaving you without in-combat healing for the rest of the map, and you face the additional resource pressure of trying to upgrade mech and bio at the same time since pure infantry simply doesn't cut it.

So yeah, unless you're paired with a Karax or different protoss commander canny enough to build extra nexuses to boost your troop buildings, Nova tends to be an exercise in frustration.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
A shit talking Trump supporter tried to troll me in a Co-Op game on The Vermillion Problem. I was Kerrigan and he was Raynor, his SCVs grabbed the last crystals and was running them around on the map while wiping out my hatcheries and killing each others armies. I managed to ninja hide some drones inside the Nydus so he felt comfortable trying to troll turn them in near the reactor. Kerrigan continued to spawned at the last hatchery location so I quickly unloaded her and the last drones, killed the SCVs and finished the game.

While yes, the douche still got points his bitter crybaby lines before exiting to score screen showed how he received the victory. I poured some salt on that turd.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You know there's a squelch function right? I figured Hillary supporters would know all about silencing opposing view points. j/k. or am I?

But seriously, Stukov is a pretty major disappointment and obviously wasn't finished before release. His infantry work fine, but they're really his only viable build. Liberators are TERRIBLE. Basically take the dragoon overkill problem and multiply it times three. And they can't attack ground. Banshees are fun but without that missile line ability they just don't have the muscle to get the job done. Diamondbacks are garbage because they can't do shit to large flying units and they're fragile as hell. Siege tanks are respectable, except the only viable AA support they have is following them around with missile turrets.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, Stukov is really only fun if you just mass infested marines. On every mission with a close by expansion I go scv to 15 > overlord > CC > gas > rax > gas. Eventually get double ebay, upgrade civilians asap. Get leap asap then keep upgrading the civilian spawn count up. Eventually you just get 4 or 5 barrack in the middle of the map with ~3 or 4 bunkers & ~3 or 4 turrets surrounding them and you just hold down A, spawn 50 marines with your 64 civs. Wait 1 minute and do it again.

Nova is probably still the most overpowered commander in co-op. Her alone can solo most brutal missions then you just throw in some ravens / bio / tanks with mines and you just crush everybody. The fact end game you can instantly spawn nova if she dies for like 500g or whatever is insane. Her defensive drones are insane. Her calldowns are insane. Plus Ravens with the charges are so good. Just throw down constant turrets when pushing/defending. Seekers if you're against air. So easy.

I'd probably say either Zagara or Alarak are my favorites to play. Zagara just feels very zergy and she gets soooo much fun when you're paired with an Artanis and you can just do NOTHING but 3/3 fully upgraded lings & zagara. Did that last night, had about 7 hatcheries end game A moving like 200 lings that stay alive so much longer with artanis shell. And if they do die, who cares, hold down Z while rallied on zagara and reinforce almost instantly since her lings spawn asap. Alarak is just fun. His kit is a ton of fun and you can either go braindead A click move with Alarak/Wrathwalker/Supplicant or you can go micro friendly and get Ascendants which are completely broken once they power up a bit. Ascendents made this most recent mutation a joke. Who needs vision when you can just spam orbs and alarak's knockback to fuck everything up.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
They really need to tune Co-Op zerg AI cause banelings + blinding clouds + scourge in the same spawn category is bullshit for a lot of commanders.

Kerrigan can't even dash through the big packs of banelings because the health buffer is only applied at the end of the dash and she dies before then.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah Ling/Bling/Scourge can be pretty devastation for so many commanders. Scourge alone make most air units for any commander just useless. Another reason I love alarak because 1 destruction wave kills ling/bling/scourge in one hit.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Finally hit 90 mastery in Co-Op after sticking with the dailies and some holiday bonus, but I don't care about achievements in the slightest. What now?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Going into the last 6 mutations blind and 1-shotting them on Brutal is kind of disappointing. There just gets a point where the AI cannot offer any sort of challenge.

1. Always get your economy bolstered as fuck. Expanding fast is the #1 priority and even use call downs to do it.
2. Never over extend and get your army wiped. Go into fortified positions with overwhelming odds.
3. Always be ready to stop engaging on an objective and to go meet a spawning attacking force. If you ignore them and let them wipe out your expansion, it is 'GG'.
4. Know which of your commander abilities/call-downs you have to save and which you can just burn on cooldown. This really comes from knowing the maps and the objectives thoroughly.
5. If you do all of these things, your partner is largely irrelevant. He can be a level 4 cuck or just leave the game. Anything he does offer up is just bonus.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Flash vs Jaedong is going live as this post happens, haven't watched Brood War in years but somehow caught that this is happening.



Trakanon Raider
An interview with the Devs of StarCraft: Remastered
StarCraft Remastered
In the words of Sean Plott:

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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I'm pretty excited about SCHD. I'm really glad with the direction they took the game in the fact that they've changed pretty much nothing except for making it modern. The engine, the dragoon AI, the retarded pathfinding is still in-tact. It will just be a much more accessible game these days instead of asking for D- games on ICCUP/Fish (both of which are still supported AFAIK.)