StarCraft 2


Goonsquad Officer
My main problem with Nova now that I've run her to 15 and played some more brutal matches is that her factory units are fucking terrible. Hellbats just get themselves killed and when the hell are you going to be sitting still long enough for the increasing range on siege tanks to matter? Also, I'm pretty sure Nova's siege tanks don't have shaped blast. Liberators and Banshees are powerful but too much additional micro, and I don't like splitting between bio and mech because you can't upgrade them both without slowing down your troop production early on.

Her infantry ball really is amazing though.

I'm not super good at starcraft 2 but i play a lot of co-op. i've grown to REALLY like nova and not just her infantry. at first i thought her other units were garbage but i've grown to really like them. mostly because you can only build ghosts so fast and have to do something with the other resources.

fighting non zerg the goliath upgrade instnatly disabling any flying unit is insane. I use the siege tanks for edging out places the next objective is about to be, plus the spider mines for being able to see the battlefield to drop off folks with the griffon flying. and the ravens just for healing. so normally i build literally every ghost i can. marines when i have excess minerals. ravens when i can. and then either goliath on non zerg, or seige tanks/liberators for softening up targets before sending the snipe squad in.

i seem to basicly play nova, abathur, zagara and some times the stealth protoss


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This mutation might be the first one that I believe I could actually solo, on BRUTAL. Ez as fuck. Zagara is simply the best.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I wiped on the stone fight once on hard with plasma rifle/perma stealth, was getting late so I decided to call it a night. Fucking chaotic as hell though.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
I did 100% of WoL achievements if I recall correctly. Doing the last Zeratul mission on Brutal and the last campaign mission (at least one of the versions) is pretty damn hard, perhaps that's what is missing.

The arcade game was not hard.

When I beat the last mission on Brutal I was like 'I am never trying that again' I was so goddamn busy.

I tried to do the Protoss campaign on Brutal. Ow that's painful.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Arcade is something tons of people never bothered with, not the best mini-game choice and tying achievements to it was kind of bleh. Most of the Nova hard difficulty achieves are simply knowing the right equipment loadouts and then anyone can execute it. The lack of Brutal means people will never find out how that difficulty plays.


Trakanon Raider
Nova's missions are quietly the best SC2 story, no wonder since Metzen is nowhere to be found in the credits. Honestly if they kept making more, I'd be buying them, nobody else is making RTS anymore and the missions are AAA quality. The last one especially was a great mix of aggression and map presence on top of base building. Bio+Nova FTW.

Is it possible to not kill Davis at the end ? I just humped her for like 30s, but eventually she had to eat the bullet.
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Goonsquad Officer
Yea. most definitely. it reminded me of wings of liberty. HoS and LotV got too fan-fic circlejerky about kerrigan/zelnaga shit.

and planet zerg with "pure not evil zerg" was fucking stupid.

amon (totally not archaemon) was also fucking stupid.

having all that ejaculate out of the way and letting the story focus on factions being jerks to each other works out fine for me. they should keep making nova expansions. maybe do the equivalent with other races.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Tal'darim and Alarak wasn't bad but everything to do with Amon, fake Tassadar, and zero payoff for the Xel'naga was crap. Not to mention that Duran and Stukov weren't utilized properly either, basically just shit on everything that Broodwar built up. I think they decided to fuck it - give Kerrigan & Raynor a happy ending, and all-ined with whatever deus ex machina a writer came up with first.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
The whole story went from bad to worse throughout the 3 SC2 releases. If they returned to politics-driven conflict with Nova the IP might be saved for future releases. Maybe they can eventually unfuck the Zerg with a massive retcon.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I thought the story of LotV was fantastic.

That's because as far as I'm concerned the epilogue never happened.


Trakanon Raider
I thought the story of LotV was fantastic.

That's because as far as I'm concerned the epilogue never happened.

I think LotV story was so B-level it became almost good, it embraced the fact and just threw all the protoss toys you always wanted to use at you, story be damned. You want magical powers ? Space dwarf as a mechanic ? Murderbots ? The fact that there was no terrible attempt at love story was no coincidence I think.

The epilogue was fascinating, since I never thought a 10-year old's fanfic would make into an AAA title.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think the problem with SC2 is they went too fantasy with all the shit. Like others said the best parts were the politics part and that was pretty much the entire storyline for SC/BW. Its like how ASOIF is worse now with all the fantasy elements being central instead of just straight up backroom politics.


Mr. Poopybutthole
At the risk of a derail, ASOIF is worse now because of the garbage writing, not because the fantasy elements are taking center stage.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
The epilogue was fascinating, since I never thought a 10-year old's fanfic would make into an AAA title.

Metzen was planning the long con ever since his WH40K fanfic was mocked by his class mates back in the 80s. I guess he has the last laugh at schoon reunions.