State of the Union


Millie's Staff Member
We are fucked

dude looks like the joker, makes sense since all these guys are a bunch of buffoons with the biggest buffoon out front


Elisha Dushku
State of the Union reactions: Facebook edition!

"I'm going to stay with these lies for as long as I can. This is after all history. Watching your country being ruined right in front of your face. Its like watching your house burn and the fireman show up with a gas tanker....."

"Every damn thing he says is bullshit. We suddenly stick to the values of our constitution???? News to me. That jackass and the rest of the liberals wipe their ass with the constitution."

Why u mad tho?
"TheImperial SenateCongress will no longer be of any concern to us. I've just received word that theEmperorObama has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away."

?Grand Moff TarkinJoe Biden


Elisha Dushku
If this really was the best part then i'm glad I decided to not even bother.

And I believe you.
No the best part was when Obama told Congress he didn't need them anymore. Nothing beats a Constitutional Crisis to start the year.


Buzzfeed Editor
Does he need them? Have they worked with him in good faith to advance our nation? I'm not sure what your point is.


Elisha Dushku
Does he need them? Have they worked with him in good faith to advance our nation? I'm not sure what your point is.
Pretty sure he does, and pretty sure he and you think 'good faith' means Obama tells them to give him everything he wants and nothing they want, which isn't actually 'good faith'.

Too bad you guys didn't vote for Hilary instead of O in the 2008 primaries. We'd all be much better off.


Musty Nester
Well, what the fuck legislation is he going to pass in this coming year? To be perfectly fair... what does he need Congress for? To tell him he's not allowed to bomb Syria?

Congress did manage to find a budget compromise that lasts past his term. The ACA will be revised without his direct input.

Technically, he's doesn't need them to do anything because I doubt he's planning on doing anything that requires their direct involvement. He's already done that and realizes that he won't be able to do anything "big" anyway even if he wanted to. For small shit I'm sure he's got the partisan votes that he needs.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Obama seems like the lamest of lame duck president. I literally can not name a single big thing he's done in his second term, between immigration reform, the NSA, net neutrality/fcc I really feel like there's some important shit he could be doing even with such a terrible congress.

Why did he even run for president if he's not going to push for stuff?


Elisha Dushku
Technically, he's doesn't need them to do anything
Technically he does. All those little changes he's been making like dispensing with the Employer Mandate for a year? Yeah he's technically not allowed to do that. Technically his job is to 'enforce the laws' that are technically legislated by Congress and that he technically gets to sign in toto or technically pocket veto, he doesn't get to alter them after the fact, technically. But technically who cares right? That is until the next President is a Republican.


Musty Nester
Technically he does. All those little changes he's been making like dispensing with the Employer Mandate for a year? Yeah he's technically not allowed to do that. Technically his job is to 'enforce the laws' that are technically legislated by Congress and that he technically gets to sign in toto or technically pocket veto, he doesn't get to alter them after the fact, technically. But technically who cares right? That is until the next President is a Republican.
Technically he's pretty much allowed to do whatever he doesn't get impeached or assassinated for doing.

It's a sad truth, proven by Kennedy, Nixon, and Clinton.

I had hoped that the one great thing to come out of Obama would be reversing that trend, but that didn't happen. I had no hopes for him and he still managed to disappoint. And the GOP set the bar so fucking low that he was still the better option. So don't blame it all on the evil democrats.


Golden Squire
Obama at least seems to have a clear idea about where he would like to see America. The message has been consistent since he started running back in 2007. He's never wavered from his desire to seek better education, bolster the middle class, end the wars, get off foreign energy dependence, and increase job growth and opportunity for everyone. A lot of this has been accomplished and that's in spite of the GOP actively opposing everything with his name on it. His speech tonight had a lot of good moments and even a couple of great ones. He clearly laid out an agenda that stuck with everything he's said for five years now. Anyone with the ability to reason and think in a logical manner can easily see the benefit of everything he wants to accomplish. The problem of course lies in the fact that the vast majority of his opposition don't like to reason and are incapable of thinking logically.

With all that said though, Obama put most of the success of this into the hands of Congress. I admire him for using the power he does have to advance things, and even for directly engaging the states to get things done, but on a national level it's ultimately up to the Legislative Branch of the government to get their heads out of their asses and get to work.


Elisha Dushku
Anyone with the ability to reason and think in a logical manner can easily see the benefit of everything he wants to accomplish.
Anyone with the ability to reason and think in a logical manner knows that all Obama cares about is effectuating a permanent Democratic majority through forced reliance on government handouts to an increasingly desperate and growing underclass. And he's done a damn fine job of that, a damn fine job.


Elisha Dushku
It's a sad truth, proven by Kennedy, Nixon, and Clinton.
One of these things is not like the other. One of these things had to resign before he was tossed out of office.

See the trick is, the press used to do its job when Republicans were in office and kept them somewhat (not entirely) but somewhat honest. Not so when a Democrat is in office.

But it may not matter anymore. After Obama it will be all Imperial Presidency, all the time.

I, for one, welcome The Empire and spit on the Old Republic.