Tranny Chaser
- 19,829
- 24,462
Make sure you get one of the slim versions if you go used, otherwise there's a decent chance of some YLoD problems.Finished out my xbox360 backlog and starting to find good deals on the few ps3 titles I want to try. Should I just do the last of us bundle or is the second hand ps3 market fairly reliable?
I seem to recall Dead space 1 on PC to be a complete abortion of a port.dead space 1 free for PCs, you need origin to install it though
Dead Space for PC Download | Origin
its a bit confusing but apparently as long as you redeem before may 8th its yours forever, it doesn't disappear after that date
BestBuy also has DK Country Tropical for 20% offIncase anyone wanted to know, again. Target is purportedly running a Buy 2 get on free deal on video games from 6 Apr - 12 Apr 14.
Mods is pretty cool. Wish I had a clue how to play. Seems to be very micro managy with so many things to keep track of and build up simultaneously.Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion is 75% off on Steam if anyone doesn't have it, 39.99 normally.
Pretty good game on it's own, but if you're a Star Trek nerd like me, there is a great mod for it that turns it into successor to theStar Trek ArmadaSeries. (Mod is really well done.)
(Also tons of mods for this game, too. BSG, Star Wars, Star Gate ect---whatever your favorite series, it's probably got a mod for it.)