Humble Bundleis running two weeks of daily bundles. Some will be re-bundles of popular ones from the past, like today is the Deep Silver bundle, but some will be entirely new.
this only works if you have an existing GMG account (dunno why some sorta promo), you may need to create a new playfire account though and link it to your gmg/?.
You get a steam key. Rush Bros has been part of a bunch of indie bundles so you may already own the game
Can confirm it works up to the time of this post. Free $20+ worth of credit for andriod apps via amazon. Not really sure what's worth grabbing, but free is free. I'm sure plenty of you have seen it already, but posting this because not everyone checks too many other spots for deals.
titanfall and bf4 are on sale this weekend on the origin store, $35 or so each Up to 40% Off | Origin
if you use the hola plugin or a VPN to go through a Mexican VPN server, and add to cart, and switch back to regular before you start checkout Titanfall is only $24. pay with paypal (turn off Hola before you get to paypal).
Pretty good deal for a game that has at least 50 hours of fun gameplay.
So if you've never played it, do yourself a favor and buy LEGO Marvel Super Heroes in the Humble Bundle store. It is hands-down the best $5 you can spend. Fantastic game.
Gohereand install the five apps to get 1000 Amazon coins for free.
Turn around and go tohere, spend 700 Coins on GTA: San Andreas for your android/kindle device, get 2000 Amazon coins for free, netting you 2300 ($23 or so) worth of Amazon coins for a few button clicks.
Coins are only really used on Amazon store apps, but it is free.