I got a good 100 hours out of DD before the hacking kind of made it pointless. Fun as hell game though. Shit was that fun. I'm watching DD2 thought as well because that is looking to be just as fun.I bought the Dungeon Defenders franchise pack for $4.99, always wanted to give that game a whirl.
Why can't Worlds of Magic go on flash sale?!?!![]()
Have you played any of the Risen/Gothic games ? Have you liked them ? Are you itching for an RPG ? If you answer yes to all of the above, go ahead, otherwise there's a good chance the game will frustrate you a lot.Risen 3 any good? it's 50% off right now
Don't bother. Having to collect medicine for no other reason than a stupid ass malaria mechanic and have to pop pills to continue playing because of it annoyed the hell out of me. Aside from that annoyance the game was extremely repetitive and tedious. And yes I did beat it. When I was done I had no idea why I bothered.I picked up the Far Cry Franchise, mostly for FC 3 and expansion. I played the first a long time ago, and never played the 2nd, but heard it was long and repetitive. Is it still worth playing through, or should I just skip to FC 3?
Pagen Min is awesome too but Blood Dragon is the best Far Cry by a mile.Fuck that noise FC3 has awesome gameplay and an awesome villian, shit was game of the year for me. Sadly FC4 is more of the same so instead of making my own fun via clever takedowns etc I just mow shit down and move on.