Looking for suggestions, if you guys don't mind helping out.
The MMOs I play tend to give me my fantasy fix, and so I'm looking for a shooter, but nearly every shooter that's "any good" is pretty competitive. I don't want that, because I want to be able to play casually and have a good time. Borderlands 2 was pretty perfect, but I also have an issue about playing games once you "beat" them, regardless of added DLC. Beat the main story of BL2 so I have a hard time going back. I dislike all the survival games as well. I just don't have fun running around a game where you spend 90% of the time doing nothing but hoping for a piece of cloth or some ammo.
I have a ton of games, like most of us, that I've never even played. Was looking at Fallout 3: GOTY or Fallout: New Vegas. I read the pros/cons debate over in the Fallout 4 thread on both of these, but these might fit the bill.
Team Fortress 2 I played for a couple hours with my teenage nephews. That was ok, only because the server I was on didn't have a bunch of try hards.
Any other suggestions? I appreciate it.