A lot of them are pretty decent. I loved the Dark Sun games, the Ravenloft game, the Eye of the beholders (especially 2).
ObviouslyWe clearly have different tastes in games, mine just happens to be better, sorry bro.
My last run of Wizardry 8 I had everybody named after Pro Football Player Dick Butkus. Richard Buttkiss, Dick Buttcuss, etc etc.I looked at the screenshots for the D&D collection. One of the player characters in the screenshots was titled "Not Drizzt". Lol. Someone was deep into role playing.
Try Nox or Droid4X? I agree it's fucking dumb though. Even with the app installed you still have to do multiple clicks for each item you're selling. On top of that our retarded IRS makes them collect income tax info as soon as you go over 200 transactions even if they're for pennies. Not sure if EU has to deal with that bullshit too.Hadn't checked in a long time but fucking steam won't let me sell cards without waiting 15days anymore, unless I install their app on a phone and all that shit. How the fuck am I supposed to know what the cards will be worth in 15days. Guess I should get a smart phone at some point, there's more and more of these fucking phone only features nowadays.
I have so much old D&D crap, both pc games, their boxes, and the actual books and such. I can't even remember what all I have. Its all rotting in boxes at this point. I don't even care anymore.God only knows where they're boxed up atm, but I still have the original disks for Strahd's Possession, Stone Prophet, and Menzoberranzan. Come at me bros.
get Steam Desktop Authenticator or WinAuth (both PC apps) and you can "attach" them to your steam account, still need a phone to validate one time but after that you can just run the apps and they have features to mass approve new trading card listings and can generate the codes that let you login to your steam account with 2 factor authentication.Hadn't checked in a long time but fucking steam won't let me sell cards without waiting 15days anymore, unless I install their app on a phone and all that shit. How the fuck am I supposed to know what the cards will be worth in 15days. Guess I should get a smart phone at some point, there's more and more of these fucking phone only features nowadays.
Oh I have Winauth, didn't see there was an option to do confirmations in it though, thought it was just for the auth code. Apparently it's in the lastest version I hadn't updated, thanks.get Steam Desktop Authenticator or WinAuth (both PC apps) and you can "attach" them to your steam account, still need a phone to validate one time but after that you can just run the apps and they have features to mass approve new trading card listings and can generate the codes that let you login to your steam account with 2 factor authentication.
GitHub - Jessecar96/SteamDesktopAuthenticator: Desktop implementation of Steams mobile authenticator app