So using Steam Link, trying to use it to stream my desktop to TV which I've done before. Basically you get into Big Picture mode, and then exit Big Picture mode, and then your Desktop shows up and in the past I was able to use mouse and keyboard. I've played WoW a few times this way, and in this case, I was trying to use it to play the Web version of BDO, but whenever I exit big picture mode the keyboard and mouse stop working. The cursor will still work, and move around, but won't let you click or do anything.
I remember when I first exited Big Picture mode there was a prompt that I had to go back to my Desktop in order to make go away. Talked about if I wanted to turn something on, and that if I was seeing mouse and keyboard movements that i didn't expect then I should check my PC for malware? I clicked yes, and then this started happening. Maybe it would have happened regardless, but I don't remember ever seeing that prompt before.
Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Gonna keep trouble shooting it today. Maybe if I unplug and plug back in my wireless keyboard it'll re-prompt something. I don't know.
Edit: Figured it out. It has to do with BDO being ran as administrator. Googled some more and found some Windows compatibility program that does some magic to make BDO not run as admin. No reason for it to run as admin anyway. But even running Steam as Admin wouldn't let Steam Link take back control as soon as I'd click on the BDO window.