No DLC/Season Pass though, yet again.
All the Borderlands 2 and Civ 5 DLC/Expansions are on sale on Newegg with promo code EMCWXWW235 for 70% off. The Borderlands 2 DLC end up being like $1.50 each or something so you can get all the Season Pass stuff for like $9 total or something. I already have the Civ 5 expansions but the same promo code gets you 70% off those as well (so $9 for Brave New World, most of the other ones are like $1 or something). You get Steam codes, it says the games are all for Mac but Steam is platform agnostic so they work fine for Windows.McCheese_sl said:God damnit. Once again I missed the Civ 5 sale and I'm stuck with the shitty base game.
I would. It plays like a very complex board game but is really fun. I usually play one "game" for about a couple weeks or so then break from it for about a month. Rinse and repeat.Never played a Civ game ever, but seems fun? At that price, should I just get it?
You sound just like me! I have been gaming since space invaders in the local arcade and I have never played turn based strategy games or any strategy games for that matter, it's been FPS or MMO's for the most part. Anyway, I recently picked up XCOM and then Civ 5 and these games are addictive and a ton of fun. I have since added about 30 strategy games, mostly old, to my steam library from various bundles out there, I am hooked.Never played a Civ game ever, but seems fun? At that price, should I just get it?
I'll echo the responses already written. I just picked up the Civ IV complete/gold/whatever bundle (figured that if I loved it, I would later buy the fifth, thereby doubling my gaming bliss!) The tutorial is fucking painful and interminable, and I can't find a way to save progress in it, so I'm just learning by playing the game. All the techs, religions, units, etc are overwhelming, but I'm beginning to sense that, like Xcom EU, it's waaaaaay more intuitive than first impressions indicate. And it's, really, really good. The graphics are technically pretty dated, but as with WoW, the style ages well and to a large extent mitigates the optical rape you you have to deal with when playing decade-old games.Never played a Civ game ever, but seems fun? At that price, should I just get it?
I like both (series of) games, and it really depends on what I'm in the mood for.You know, I've tried Civ but i've never understood why I should like it over a Total War game. I can still play RTW1 into the fucking ground.
I enjoy the Romans, Greeks so perhaps that plays a large part.Overall, despite both being grand strategy games, they appeal to very different crowds. I can absolutely see liking one and not the other. I think a lot of the enjoyment comes from how fond you are of the time periods, as well. I love the fact that Civ takes you from antiquity to the future. While I enjoy some of the Total War settings (Rome, Medieval) I dislike others (Shogun, Napolean). Until they make a Total War game that encompasses all of the eras Civ will always be my go-to game in that respect.
Never bought one of these, how does it work? If I give them, say, $10, I get all of them including the Wargame and Sherlock Holmes thing?Pretty good Humble Weekly Bundle this week:
Humble Weekly Sale: Focus Home Interactive (pay what you want and help charity)
Cities XL Platinum
Blood Bowl Legendary Edition
Divinity II: Developers Cut
R.A.W Realms of Ancient War
Game of Thrones: the RPG
Pay $6 and get Wargame: European Escalation and Sherlock Holmes
Note that it's just one key for the group of 5 and one key if you pay 6 for the bonus.