Silver Baronet of the Realm
Depends on the publisher, but it will say on the product page (usually right under the price as "DRM: Steam" but if that's not there you can still CTRL+F -> Steam to double check).Do Amazon digital downloads come with Steam keys?
Also helps if you know what games are Steamworks, or even better which publishers use Steamworks for all their games. For instance, Dishonored is published by Bethesda and every recent game of theirs is Steamworks. Hell, at this point it's probably easier to remember which publishers DON'T use it. EA games from Amazon all activate on Origin, and the vast majority of Ubisoft games activate directly on Uplay. Even if you buy one of the handful of Ubi games from Amazon that has a Steam key, it's still going to launch Uplay anyway, so it's fairly pointless to bother looking.