Stephen King's The Dark Tower


Blackwing Lair Raider
Again, The Dark Tower series was tiedveryintimately with "reality." The reality of it is, most stories don't end in storybook fashion, they end at a truck stop in Duluth, or with an ignoble death in the mud of a ditch, or with an unexpected car crash- all those things that actually happen that you wish didn't. If King had put a storybook ending on Tower he would have betrayed the whole series. The best he could do was not end it at all- which is essentially what he did.

By acknowledging that the story never really ends, he leaves room for the future. As Jake said very early in the series to Roland, "Go then. There are other worlds than these."


Tranny Chaser
The story does end. The poem is the true ending of the story. It's literally how the book ends. Get out your copy, open it up, flip to the end, and there's the poem. He gets to the tower, he blows the horn, the end.


Molten Core Raider
While going through all 7 back to back over a relatively short period of time, I got the idea that the series became some kind of metaphor for King's writing process or at least his relationship to it. If you read the forward (or "Argument" before the 3-5th? books) I think he hints at something like this, but the weirdness of the last book seemed to me like proof enough. And by weirdness, I am referring to the characters recognizing that their existence depends on King's survival, their recognition of them as characters in King's novels, etc.

Overall I liked the books and I don't have a problem with the ending because of what I think they mean. In other words, I am of the mind that King couldn't have written a storybook ending to the series even if he wanted to because, metaphorically speaking, I think people like King write because they have these ideas and theyhaveto write to get them out. So assuming this, the only feasible ending had to reflect the notion that King's writing process is more about the journey and the process of becoming than it is about knowing where he will end up when he is finished. So no matter how many books he writes the last line of the last book is, for all intents and purposes, the same as the first line in the next book.

But I overthink shit and am probably wrong. Just my 2 cents.


Tranny Chaser
In both The Body and the film adaptation Stand by Me the character of Gordy LaChance tells his friends a revenge story with a fat kid that pukes on everyone at a pie eating contest. In both the book and the movie it's this great, surreal little detour. At the end of the story his friends all cheer and ask him what happened next.

"What do you mean what happens next? That's the end" replies Gordy. His friends all make suggestions as to what could have happened and all Gordy has is "maybe he went home and had a cheeseburger." His friends all bag on him. "That ending sucked."

It's thirty years later and he's still Gordy and we're still his friends telling him his endings suck sometimes.


Millie's Staff Member
Nope. "The Shining" is the only King book I would consider to be a classic. I enjoyed "Misery" as well, but most of his books are dime novel crap.
have you not read,
the original The Stand, Different Seasons, Dead Zone, The Talisman, It, The Green Mile, Salem's Lot, Skeleton Crew, The Bachman Books, Night Shift, Four Past Midnight, Tommyknockers, DT: The Gunslinger, DT: Drawing of The Three, DT: Wasteland, DT Wolves of The Calla, The Eyes Of The Dragon and The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon? you're saying all those books are dime novel crap? yeah no.


Tranny Chaser
I had a friend ruin the Tommyknockers forever when he pointed out that the super intelligent aliens couldn't convert AC to DC.


Millie's Staff Member
I had a friend ruin the Tommyknockers forever when he pointed out that the super intelligent aliens couldn't convert AC to DC.
why would that ruin it for you? jim gardner says basically the same thing to bobbie towards the end. her reply was quite funny "we didnt think of it!" it encapsulates what the tommyknockers were, they werent inventors as much as they were modders of already existing inventions. also AC power is nothing to sneeze at either.


Tranny Chaser
You've got not only the aliens but an entire town's worth of people that didn't have that basic information. The whole thing just falls apart.


Millie's Staff Member
You've got not only the aliens but an entire town's worth of people that didn't have that basic information. The whole thing just falls apart.
they stuck to ac because thats how the ship was powered and the ship was emitting some kind of ghost radiation that converted the Haven townfolk into human versions of the tommyknockers. the ship (and bobbie's barn, poor pete) is run by batteries, only these are living batteries, sort of like The Matrix, just by using that power they were able to achieve literal mind blowing feats.


Tranny Chaser
Everything the townspeople "invented" were powered by batteries. They were sending people out to all the nearby cities to buy more batteries. Batteries are a big part of the narrative both literally and symbolically but you can convert AC to DC which is kind of a big problem.


Millie's Staff Member
well it was only a problem because they were using mostly earth batteries and they had not yet switched over to the biological kind. keep in mind the tommyknocker radiation coming from that ship only knows from AC type of power, so its logical that they would think so singlemindely, if you notice they were a hivemind towards the end. if the TK residue didnt think about DC then bobbie didnt and the rest of the town didnt either.

lets make an example, cuz i like examples, lets imagine the tommyknockers are great white sharks. a great white shark only eats swims and makes little sharks, they only eat meat. they have razor sharp teeth made for ripping and tearing flesh. if you put them in water where there was only vegetation and no other fish, that shark will die.

put a tommyknocker where there are no forms of batteries they will cease to be. simple as that. you should have told your friend , "well duh" when he said that to you.


Tranny Chaser
The people still were mostly people for a long time. Not a single person in that town had that piece of general information. They instead drove across the countryside looking for batteries.

It's been a while since I've read it. Why do you keep saying the ship was alternating current?


Millie's Staff Member
The people still were mostly people for a long time. Not a single person in that town had that piece of general information. They instead drove across the countryside looking for batteries.

It's been a while since I've read it. Why do you keep saying the ship was alternating current?
when gard and bobbie first enter the ship they discover a galley full of slaves/prisoners chained up and hooked up to wires, many of them had missing heads or blasted out ears as if there was a power surge. then later after bobbie dies, gardner enters the ship to escape and take this ship away from the tommyknockers or government who would use it as a weapon against earth. when he takes the controls of the ship, the ship's monitors kick in and he can see that the entire town of haven save for a few guarding the perimeter against the cops/feds were encircled around or en route to the ship , gard tries to pilot the ship out of the trench, but there isnt enough power in the ship's batteries (slaves/prisoners be dead).

so suddenly the ship sends out some kind of beam, zapping all the townfolk within a mile radius of the ship. charging up the ship, many of them died. then all of a sudden the ship was rising up and up, higher and higher. a massive object beyond imagination, still it kept coming then all of a sudden it was gone into the sky. the beam hitting the townfolk was gone and gard was able to take the ship into outer space where he died.


For all you "constant readers" in this thread, what would you have thought if he ended it at "the warning" and just had him walk into the tower, fade to black? What about the general public? Rage or satisfaction?


Millie's Staff Member
the loop ending was just a copout, lazy lazy writing. i understand the guy was still recovering from his car accident, but in the 11 years since he finished he could have thought up a better ending. he assraped The Stand by "updating" it in 1990, he can add little sidestories and retcons in the DT books after the fact, but the ending? thats set in stone for some odd reason.


I wish it was the same people that did the Mist, that movie was crazy as shit.

The guy was painting a Dark Tower book cover at the start of the movie.


Millie's Staff Member
I wish it was the same people that did the Mist, that movie was crazy as shit.

The guy was painting a Dark Tower book cover at the start of the movie.
darabont was my choice too. every single time he has done a king film he has hit it out of the ballpark. The Mist, Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption are classics. well ok, The Mist is rough around the edges in certain spots, but it had a great ending.
For all you "constant readers" in this thread, what would you have thought if he ended it at "the warning" and just had him walk into the tower, fade to black? What about the general public? Rage or satisfaction?
I would be fine with it. General populace would probably go apeshit though.