Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine


This is the hot documentary out right now. Watched it last night. It is very good.

I've watched every single movie about Steve Jobs including the Pirates of Silicon Valley ( my favorite), and read about 10 different books revolving around Jobs, and Gates during this time period.

If you like all that this is worth a watch.



Molten Core Raider
He fucked his friends, he smelled like shit, and he tried to disown his daughter. America's greatest star.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Lets save you all the hassle:

1) Took credit for other people's hard work and creativity and passed it along as his own
2) Had a cult following which turned him into a showman marketing guy
3) Screwed over anyone he ever knew
4) Was an asshole
5) Gets way more credit than he deserves for ANYTHING aside from making an Apple computer in a garage.
6) Has a company which still holds back it's versions of technology upgrades anywhere from 1-5 of where Mainstream technology is.
7) Dies at the end.

There you go.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Apple would never have made it out of the homebrew hobby clubs without Jobs. Woz was content working his low profile job at HP for the rest of his life.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, so Steve was still taking credit for his work in building the first apple. Woz would have probably made it open source and given it to the world for some other business shark like Jobs to exploit.


I heard this one was more honest about him than most.
It's actually pretty damn good. Easily my favorite movie on him as a person. You will probly hate him more after this movie, but it raises some pretty good points.

Pirates was better because it showed the rivalry between gates, and Jobs.


Silver Squire
Steve Jobs will go down as the smartest computer man of all time, way smarter then that Turing and his gay shroud! He'll be on the Olympia of men! Right up there wth Ghandi, Babe Ruth and Einstein.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
It rustles my jimmies when people say Jobs was a great engineer. He was a great marketer and businessman, but contributed little to nothing on the technical side from what I can tell.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I read his authorized biography cover to cover (ok, listened to the audio book from beginning to end) shortly after it came out, and I can definitively say he was nothing special as far as engineering goes. Even when Jobs worked at Atari, Woz did the heavy lifting.

Jobs was an exceptional marketer and businessman though. Bisi is right when he says Apple would've never made it out of homebrew. Woz is a company man, content to be on the lower rungs of the ladder, and is the polar opposite of ashamed to tell that to anyone who asks. The magic was in how well they complemented each other. Woz is a genius level engineer, and Jobs was a genius level marketer. Neither would've achieved anything remotely close to Apple without the other (and Jobs almost proved it with the startup he tried to do after he was evicted from Apple).

Jobs gets a lot of hate because he was such a terrible human being (and it's trendy to hate on Apple), but you can't argue with his record. He started Apple, made it a multimillion dollar company, got kicked out because he was an insufferable cunt, the company proceeded to churn out the same shit year after year and started failing (and failing hard), the board at Apple re-hired him as an interim CEO (fun fact - everything he made after his return to Apple was called iXXX because he was the iCEO) and it became the most profitable companyin the history of mankind. And Apple's success continues - Q4 2014 they posted the largest earnings statement for a publicly traded company in history.

Anyway, I found his story/life to be very interesting. I'm not sure why there's been so many re-tellings of the same story the past couple of years, but I guess people are still paying so we're going to keep getting more of it.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Ya'll should be propping up Jony Ive and Tony Fadell more than Woz. Woz pretty much fucked off after Apple 2. Ive and Fadell are your iPod design kings. Without the success of iPod this thread wouldn't exist.


Trakanon Raider
I read his authorized biography cover to cover (ok, listened to the audio book from beginning to end) shortly after it came out, and I can definitively say he was nothing special as far as engineering goes. Even when Jobs worked at Atari, Woz did the heavy lifting.

Jobs was an exceptional marketer and businessman though. Bisi is right when he says Apple would've never made it out of homebrew. Woz is a company man, content to be on the lower rungs of the ladder, and is the polar opposite of ashamed to tell that to anyone who asks. The magic was in how well they complemented each other. Woz is a genius level engineer, and Jobs was a genius level marketer. Neither would've achieved anything remotely close to Apple without the other (and Jobs almost proved it with the startup he tried to do after he was evicted from Apple).

Jobs gets a lot of hate because he was such a terrible human being (and it's trendy to hate on Apple), but you can't argue with his record. He started Apple, made it a multimillion dollar company, got kicked out because he was an insufferable cunt, the company proceeded to churn out the same shit year after year and started failing (and failing hard), the board at Apple re-hired him as an interim CEO (fun fact - everything he made after his return to Apple was called iXXX because he was the iCEO) and it became the most profitable companyin the history of mankind. And Apple's success continues - Q4 2014 they posted the largest earnings statement for a publicly traded company in history.

Anyway, I found his story/life to be very interesting. I'm not sure why there's been so many re-tellings of the same story the past couple of years, but I guess people are still paying so we're going to keep getting more of it.
This is a great summary and was hoping someone would articulate these points. I've worked side by side with Apple for about a decade in the education field. I've been with their engineers, trainers, developers, and just about any other position that is not an exec. They are a very impressive company and while it is trendy to hate on Apple, their products have enabled people to do some pretty remarkable things. I don't think people give Apple credit for how they target a very specific market or need and excel. I can think of a time where you would only see Apple products in Sound Studios, Design Companies, and Production Companies because this was their niche. Apple has been attempting to broaden their perspective for years and that's tough for a company where their corporate personality is like hugging a porcupine. However, you can still see their stubborn development personality in their DNA. Their most recent media day (and the last couple) has really focused on medical and fitness. So it's easy to get that "we really don't care about you and your casual day-to-day wants" from Apple. Honestly, they probably don't... However, they seem to find that niche and absolutely hammer it out until it's the best for that need. We had the opportunity to see that in education when the iPad very first took off. When Apple gives you their attention, it's a pretty incredible experience. However, when they move on to the next lucrative development, you really feel like you get left in the cold and completely ignored.

It's hard to describe it and as a consumer it's way too complicated to devote any time to understanding and I think that is why people just make another choice. I don't think the average consumer wants to discover why Apple is right for them because Apple isn't going to meet you half way.

That all seems to be irrelevant to Steve Jobs but I think that corporate personality is a reflection of his own. What you see of Apple to this day is essentially Steve Jobs. So regardless if you give him praise or hate, it's working and though Apple took a very different path reaching that corporate success that Gates achieved, they got there Jobs' way.