steve jobs


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Jeff Daniels and Aaron Sorkin should just get married at this point.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Now that I know this wont be a Jobs fluff piece I'm pretty excited to see it. It looks pretty good. Good cast too.
It would be boring as fuck if it was a fluff piece.

What makes him interesting is how much of a crazy dick he was.

I wonder if they'll cover his Pixar days.


Useless lazy bastard.
It would be boring as fuck if it was a fluff piece.

What makes him interesting is how much of a crazy dick he was.

I wonder if they'll cover his Pixar days.
Unfortunatly most people hailing him as our lord and saviour tend to be ignorant about him being a fucking disgusting human being as well as a genious at design and marketing


Why are they making another movie about this guy? The creator of marketable smart phones, exciting. Jesus.


Registered Hutt
His impact on modern society is profound. He made conceptual tech into everyday things. He could translate nerd to normal through the power of his volcanic asshole. Tablets, smart phones, laptops, desktop, etc. were all significantly affected by Jobs. Finding the right mix of price and design to beachhead a new product is an essential skill in a market economy. Consumerism drives innovation in our system so you can pile on hundreds of nerds, but without the hand of design to guide their work to the marketplace you have great ideas just languishing. That's very much what's been happening with space tech for years. Hopefully the new wave of businessmen can get us into space sustainably because the nerds have been treading water for years.

I don't expect any of this to penetrate your brain though. I don't know why I bother. The efficiency of the market economy to fund innovation is the reason capitalism continues to work better than anything else.


<Prior Amod>
Unfortunatly most people hailing him as our lord and saviour tend to be ignorant about him being a fucking disgusting human being as well as a genious at design and marketing
This. I was telling a friend about the controversy around his kid the other day and they got super pissed off at me and didn't tlak to me for two days until they looked it up and then said they were sorry. It amazes me how people get about this guy, who was one of the biggest tech assholes to ever walk the earth.


His impact on modern society is profound. He made conceptual tech into everyday things. He could translate nerd to normal through the power of his volcanic asshole. Tablets, smart phones, laptops, desktop, etc. were all significantly affected by Jobs. Finding the right mix of price and design to beachhead a new product is an essential skill in a market economy. Consumerism drives innovation in our system so you can pile on hundreds of nerds, but without the hand of design to guide their work to the marketplace you have great ideas just languishing. That's very much what's been happening with space tech for years. Hopefully the new wave of businessmen can get us into space sustainably because the nerds have been treading water for years.

I don't expect any of this to penetrate your brain though. I don't know why I bother. The efficiency of the market economy to fund innovation is the reason capitalism continues to work better than anything else.
It wasn't and never is profound. It's consumer products -- commodities. He 'translated' the real work of engineers into cash and prizes for himself, when all he did was wear a black turtleneck and market onstage about what those engineers did for the Apple lemmings. All of those soft skills like design, ergonomics, consumer-friendly, yadda aren't worthwhile to make a movie out of. They're boring. All this is, all he ever was, was an object of undue hero worship, and unfortunately in the US, we not only have way too much of it, but we worship the wrong people.

The space nerds have been treading water because their budget keeps getting gutted to pay for the bonuses of those businessmen you mention, through things like bailouts and ridiculous tax subsidies. They're nothing but a cancer. Consumer space? Yeah fantastic. Just what we want: resorts and travel tours to the moon. The commodifcation of space; it never ends. Pretty soon, we'll have another hero to make an awful movie about, maybe one who 'translated' a new, ergonomic dildo that works in space. It's nothing but pure fetishism.


FPS noob
i thought a central tenant of red pillers was that showing an iphone to a college chick will hypnotize her into sleeping with you


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
jobs pissing off rerolled users from beyond the grave. Rustle much, Bros?


Millie's Staff Member
Why would they make a movie about a guy who turned half the world' s population into assholes, let alone two in the space of of two years.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
One was a quick cash grab, the other is by a critically acclaimed director.

Uwe Boll might as well have made the first one


Bronze Knight of the Realm
is this story really worth telling though? Does anyone care about the guy who marketed their media?
I'd say so, to correct any narrative involving an important figure that served as a puff piece or propaganda.

As I get older I find myself becoming less tolerant of the bullshit that goes into biographical accounts and am more cognizant of the agendas that they serve and the dangers that represents.

Example: In Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand presents the Railroad Barons as people of vision who achieved great things through their own effort. The reality, had she even known, was that the railroads were fully subsidized by the government with the purpose being to enrich the Barons at the public's expense.


Example: In Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand presents the Railroad Barons as people of vision who achieved great things through their own effort. The reality, had she even known, was that the railroads were fully subsidized by the government with the purpose being to enrich the Barons at the public's expense.

This is a forum fully entrenched in neo-liberal ethics. We don't take kindly to that kind of language. The Free Market will not be happy. Confess, and repent.


Registered Hutt
They were subsidized by the government and exploited the design of the subsidy to make bank, then they strongarmed production by controlling monopoly access to transportation. That's pretty much the opposite of the free market. It is not liberalism. It's the kind of thing folks like Ron Paul blames the government for always doing, and he has a point. If that were his only point I'd respect him. Government has a place as an investor in infrastructure, but it should always tie its investments to regulations so that not only the few gain from the investment of the many.