Red Dawn was so likely too.
Okay first, fuck you...the show is about an alternate dimension ripping open and kids saving the day, suspension of disbelief is a thing.
Second, obey your fuckin rules as a show, this isn't a "ME" thing, red letter media talks about this all the time in the horror / thriller genre. The writers spent 2 seasons telling us that the US government is active and knows about crazy shit that happens in this small town and that for some reason crazy shit MAINLY happens IN THIS SPECIFIC SMALL TOWN.
They then spent 1 season telling us that the Russians built an underground bunker that pulled SO MUCH POWER from the surrounding areas as to cause a blackout of ALL major and minor grids...and yet the US military didn't even bother to show up til the last scene of the last episode.
I mean this is all forgivable if it happens in like...2 days total. It feels more like the show happens in a week or more of time. Still though, THAT premise is so shit tier to me.
Hopper was literally the hero of the show who sacrificed himself to save everyone. Fucking sensitive ass crybabies over here. Muh SJWism.
I think my statement read as follows, they ARE heroes, but no one treats them as heroes. They literally were involved in saving their world 2 times but, as I think I said, people (their friends) SOMEHOW have forgotten all that shit and basically treat them like they were not involved in season 1-2 AT ALL.
Joyce basically treats Hopper as a fucking nuisance, eleven basically hates the shit out of him even though he's taking on HUGE responsibility raising this girl and keeping her from the government IN ADDITION TO SAVING HER LIFE 2 TIMES. Thank god we get that letter reading "Boo Hoo I wish I wasn't such an asshole to this guy that only wanted the best for me but had personal issues that I didn't want anything to do with" scene!
Steve, again, was so pitiable. Dude gets his ass brutally beat in season 2 by Billy but he STILL puts himself out there to help his friends and through this season he just never catches anything close to a break either emotionally or physically. As I said, his last scene is a scene where he FAILS TO LAND A VIDEO RENTAL STORE JOB...and his only "break" is the lesbian chick that has a pitty connection to him gets him a job.
No, I'm sorry these are not people, these are cartoon caricatures of people. Literally everyone in that show aside from Steve, Hopper and "effeminate boyfriend who I never remember the name of" are deeper in their creation. The males...not by much, disagree with me all you want on this, the males feel like cartoon characters from a feminist cartoon.
The newspaper subplot didn't have that extra polish. It was just some stock characters in a stock B plot.
The instant I saw captain white hair crazy eyes, I knew they were all going to die, at least he was, that dude is so typecast for being the "Over the top bad / crazy guy" with his roles in Starship Troopers and "Contact".