Suicide Squad (2016)


Mr. Poopybutthole
WB knows what they are doing. After all that's the studio that made Superman 3, Superman 4, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Green Lantern and BvS. We should trust their vision of the future of the DCU, it's in safe hands.

Hey, I liked Green Lantern, and the BvS Ultimate Edition wasn't horrid. But point well taken.

You forgot their worst movie ever, Catwoman.


Buzzfeed Editor
Its insane the script for SS was done in only six weeks, when will these guys learn that the script is the foundation of a good movie and rushing that part will make it impossible to ever have a good movie

Just like B v S it sounds like there is a TON of extra footage too, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a bluray directors cut that is quite different from theatrical.

One thing you always here about in Disney Marvel films is how the studio is very hands off. With the exception Ant-Man, every story from there is basically the studio gets a script it really likes, gives it to directors who can prove they are passionate about the source material and then checks back when they are done. Even Ant-Man, the sole studio input was basically requiring they mention the Avengers and including Falcon.

DC, though...BvS, you can practically see the demands from the studio in the film demanding set ups and pushing in more material so they can get to the 'big money making cross overs' sooner. They aren't willing to put in the leg work, and don't give a shit about the source material beyond the little moments they can carve out for advertising.


Mr. Poopybutthole
HAHAHA DC fanboys started a petition to shut down RottenTomatoes.


I'm sure that will help make the movies better. That's all they need to do. Get rid of the critics and no one can say anything bad.

Is this Stalinist Russia?


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
The other thing in the Marvel vs DC is that Marvel Studios has more at stakes than WB. Marvel Studios only makes Marvel comic book movies, if they suck, they will be shut down, so the stakes are somewhat higher for them.

The other thing, is that most if not all of Marvel movies are a genre movie with super-heroes. Winter Soldier was a political thriller, Ant-Man a heist, Guardians a space adventure.

I'm not sure how to classified Man of Steel or BvS other than just action movies...with no character development whatsoever.

I'm also fairly sure the casting director at Marvel made a pact with the devil because all of their casting has been rather amazing so far.

And lastly, Marvel has knack to pick the right directors for their movies.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
HAHAHA DC fanboys started a petition to shut down RottenTomatoes.
Whats great about that is warner bros is part owners or Rottentomatoes

its only recently since WB has started sucking,
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
'The writer/director made one version of the movie, the studio and the guys who made the trailer (!) made another version, and they focus tested both and then made a third version of the movie based on the feedback, which is why it needed extensive reshooting
Soooo, that's why it was so unbalanced...

I mean, even the post-credit scene was stilted...
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Log Wizard
How the fuck does DC keep taking what should be some of the best superhero movies around and turning them into dogshit? Oh Zack Snyder, never mind


Lord Nagafen Raider
Remember when SS went into big reshoots a few months ago, and people were a bit concerned? Turned out to be weirder than anyone thought. The writer/director made one version of the movie, the studio and the guys who made the trailer (!) made another version, and they focus tested both and then made a third version of the movie based on the feedback, which is why it needed extensive reshooting.

I have to say, the trailers have been one of the best things about SS. I went from having tepid interest in the movie to actually thinking it looked fun enough to see in the theater (and that's not something I do often. Only movie I've gone to the theater for this year is Civil War). But I'm not really sure how putting together a good trailer qualifies you to edit a movie. They're two very different things with very different objectives. Making something entertaining in 90 minutes can't be achieved the same way it can in 90 seconds. It's like getting the guy who put together a commercial for Daredevil in charge of the show.

The more you hear about the inner workings of DC/WB, the clearer it becomes that the problem with them creating a good movie is endemic of studio management and problems at the highest levels. It's not going to matter who they cast or who they hire to write and direct if they keep being so reactive and make huge changes long after production has begun. They're just making their movies by committee because they apparently don't trust their directors. I'm sure Marvel watches their projects closely as well, but it seems like they figure out what they want the movie to be before a director spends a couple years making it.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
"The movie's got to do $750 million, $800 million to break even. If they get anywhere close to that, they'll consider it a win."

This can't be real. This has to be just some rando making shit up. Right?

Thats, "Tomb Raider had to sell 6million copies" insanity.

No, this movie cost $175 million before marketing. Estimates are that the total cost was somewhere between 250-300, after marketing costs. Given how much that they have to share revenues with the theaters, that number is about right.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
No, this movie cost $175 million before marketing. Estimates are that the total cost was somewhere between 250-300, after marketing costs. Given how much that they have to share revenues with the theaters, that number is about right.

I just read an article saying that the budget for this was at BvS levels, so maybe even 400. Yikes.
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Trakanon Raider
Was going to hold off, but I got free tickets to a screening.

It didn't live up to the trailers, but maybe not fully deserving of the ratings slaughter. Was it entertaining? Some will think so.

The pacing was ok for me. I thought the intro was decent. Casting was mostly good. Leto's joker won't win any awards, but gets a pass.

The inexcusable part is the scripting/writing, and the bungled ending. Too much seemed forced. Harley Quinn breaking character to save the day did not fit at all. "You messed with my friends!"

Absolute worst part of this movie is wasted potential. I mean: They basically blew 300-400 million, and only made a mediocre movie.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm surprise to hear that this is expected to make between 125-140M this weekend. Even with good reviews I didn't expect it to make that much.

According to pre-sale, it's doing extremely well...setting records for August, and ahead of Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool.

Curious to see how the bad reviews will affect it. Might be too late for affecting this weekend, but might end up with a big drop in it's second week like BvS.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Was going to hold off, but I got free tickets to a screening.

It didn't live up to the trailers, but maybe not fully deserving of the ratings slaughter. Was it entertaining? Some will think so.

The pacing was ok for me. I thought the intro was decent. Casting was mostly good. Leto's joker won't win any awards, but gets a pass.

The inexcusable part is the scripting/writing, and the bungled ending. Too much seemed forced. Harley Quinn breaking character to save the day did not fit at all. "You messed with my friends!"

Absolute worst part of this movie is wasted potential. I mean: They basically blew 300-400 million, and only made a mediocre movie.
Is it true all the characters are borring besides maybe Harley? Every review said Deadshot is literally just Will Smith and Croc, Boomerang, and El Diablo are bland, while Katana was the worst of the group


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm surprise to hear that this is expected to make between 125-140M this weekend. Even with good reviews I didn't expect it to make that much.

According to pre-sale, it's doing extremely well...setting records for August, and ahead of Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool.

Curious to see how the bad reviews will affect it. Might be too late for affecting this weekend, but might end up with a big drop in it's second week like BvS.

For action movies, the worse the reviews, the more I want to see it. I don't need to have some deep plot or my mind challenged for movies like this. The only exception to the rule will be (another) Fantastic 4...


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
For action movies, the worse the reviews, the more I want to see it. I don't need to have some deep plot or my mind challenged for movies like this. The only exception to the rule will be (another) Fantastic 4...

Well a few reviews are saying it's worse than Fantastic 4, which I find hard to believe.