Well not really,I think my favorite part of Overlord is how they are almost completely ignoring the whole "stuck-in-video-game" thing. Like I know in the beginning, he said that his RL sucked and chose the game, but after that its been all but completely dropped. Doesn't sit there trying to figure our what or why, or how to get out, or even what's happening to his body IRL. Its basically just, "I'm a badass lich lord now...LET'S DO THIS!"
i mean all that he does its to spread out his guild name, to see if there are other people in this world able to reconize it (in which case it would be other ppl like him, and would help him figuring out what happened).
I puit that on spoiler cause i dont recall if it was explained on the episode he took ains own goal (or w/e is spelled) name over momonga, or if its something i recall from the lightnovel.