Summoner's War - Sky Arena


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thanks for the feedback gents. Happy to see we're all pretty much on the same page.

Lanx not only is the game fun (imo) I actually often find myself not having enough time to spend all the energy (actions) I have available to me on a daily basis. Admittedly you'll have less than half the energy (and lesser energy regen rate) as a new player, but still...

Oh, and screw this HoH =/ I can only do B2, with a shitty shitty shitty drop rate, so one and done here. Really disappointing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah I'm going to get at least one as well. I can only auto b2, and I don't have a Tyron. I was trying to decide if it was worth attempting to farm multiple either to feed to the light sylph or to feed to my Shimitae. Alternatively I could farm some extra in case I ever pulled a Tyron ...


Molten Core Raider
A quick B2 apparently is better as far as return on pieces go than 100% auto B3 (if it takes you more than like 7 minutes to auto b3).

I dunno, I'm gonna be autoing B3 for the next 60 hours. I need at least 12 Sylphs!


<Prior Amod>
ok, i wanted to play this game w/o guides and shit, cuz you know, why not. but do i really have to evolve a 3*(to 4) by adding 3 other 3*'s? what the shit, this feels impossibly difficult.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yes. The target 3* must be max level (25) but the other 3 3*s only need to be level 1. On one hand it's not too bad (at the lower stars) because you'll be downing in scrolls soon enough, and able to farm 2* and 3* mobs in a bit, but on the other hand, wait until you do that math on creating a 6*!

(don't forget it's kinda super easy to make 3*s too - level a 2* to 20, evolve it with two 2*s, and bam, instant 3*)


Mobile Game Hunter
While you may not be active enough to want it, if you join us on the line app we'd be happy to answer any questions so you don't fodder a good 3 star monster. Also, for any lurkers that haven't added their guild war defense yet - do it!


Mobile Game Hunter
hah, plenty to do now IntRR.

Ian's, line is a chat program in the app store. We use it to discuss the game with the
guild members. The built in chat within the game sucks, so most people use that to coordinate.


Mobile Game Hunter
It is just a separate app that most people have utilized since it's free.

Guild war underway, Rerolled won 1 defense battle. Waiting for a few members to get the last 2 percent needed to win. Vinlorin, friscosteve, joetheplumber I'm looking at you!


Molten Core Raider
I had no idea that once your heros were killed on Offense you couldn't use them again - I would have totally re-thought my AO strategy.
Still a little confused on the overall performance of the GW - like I attacked 3x and won 1 lost 2 (again poor picking on AO, had 3 really strong AO for my first fight and had no real good units to fight my last 2)
My defense so far has won vs. everyone that has attacked - but how does that impact our performance?


Mobile Game Hunter
It makes it more difficult for the other team to win. The more our defense holds the less % they take us down. Currently our first win resides in the hands of friscosteve!


Molten Core Raider
I'll look to see if I can find more info on how it works - I checked Friscosteve and he has only done defensive wins/ties, but no offensive attacks - So how is our first win from him? What do the 3x swords mean that are filled in - they have 3 attempts left of attack?

So confusing!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
We don't have our first offensive win yet - and we won't unless Friscosteve logs in and attacks and wins (no pressure bro, I lost all 3 of mine /shrug). The 3 swords are how many attacks you have.

BTW now up to 3 defensive wins!


Molten Core Raider
Actually thought about my AO for our next guild fight and went 6-0 against their highest guys. Pew pew mothafuckas!

Guild wars is fun.


Mobile Game Hunter
Nidhogg, get in the line app if you aren't already! Our first win pulled out of despair by rumtastic!



<Prior Amod>
ok 3 days in i'm lvl 16 with 4, 4stars

blue fairy
fairy queen
imp champ

3star max lvl
bounty hunter

i get the whole merge 3, 3stars to get 1, 4star. but that wasn't so bad cuz of all the blue summon scrolls i'd get

i've only used the red crystals to summon the 3-5 star (every shit has been a 3 star summon so far)

but how do i get a 5star, do i really sacrifice 4, 4stars? or are there other ways later, should i get that random angelmon thing?

i have 300glory what should i buy?

also i think i leveled up my level too fast, all my arena opponents now are fucking lvl 30's and some even 40s, wtf.


Mobile Game Hunter
Yes, you need 4, 4 stars to evolve a monster to 5 stars, then 5 5 stars to evolve to 6. At your stage in the game though I'd just be on the lookout for runes, as those make the largest difference in power between monsters.

Rarely, you can pull natural 4 / 5 star monsters. 5* are very rare however, so don't stress if you don't see one for months. There are alternative ways of getting them (fusing at level 18).

Glory wise, you should spend it in this order: Devilmon >> Mysterious Plant (faster energy regen) >> Speed tower / Crit Tower >> HP Tower >> Element specific towers. The speed tower gets pretty expensive at rank 3-4 however, so you might supplement in between.

If you haven't already, send the people on the google doc's friend requests. Our shared monsters can help you clear the harder content for extra crystals and exp.


<Gold Donor>
And join the Line app and tell us you added us (and for tips), otherwise we might delete you. I know I just deleted some lower level today, but it very well could have been you and I didn't know it.

EDIT: And FriscoSteve or Vinlorin or someone, log the fuck in and attack somebody, we're fractions of a percent from winning!