It's interesting, because I had the exact opposite thoughts with Denise. She kept saying "I survived all of the tribal councils" but all I get from that is "I'm not a difference maker at all, I can't help bring a team to the win, but I manage to just be middle of the road enough that someone is a more obvious choice to vote off." I wouldn't have voted for Denise honestly because of how she kept saying "I outwitted and outplayed the rest of you here", when it was absolutely untrue. She road Malcolm's coattails when it was time for the hard decisions, then simply got lucky that both Lisa and Skupin thought she was less of a threat than Malcolm. #1 choice would have been Malcolm, but second was Skupin. I'm not particularly happy Denise won; I honestly am super surprised that anyone voted for her, considering she basically insulted everyone on the jury in her speech, but I think Skupin and Lisa playing the high and mighty card really spelled their doom. In a way, it's sort of poetic that their claim to fame (Not flipping on anyone) didn't mean shit, and that the person they thought they'd be able to beat ended up running them over.
Oh and really, I fucking love Penner. I'm perfectly fine with him outing Lisa; for all her talk of honesty and loyalty and all of that shit, she never fessed up to her tv time, I assume because she thought that no one would vote for her if they knew she had been a paid actress at one point. She was by far the worst player, and I got so sick of every episode her saying it was by some divine fucking path of christ almighty that they were where they were, like stfu. I could not be more surprised that she was picked the fan favorite.
At least I can live more with this decision than the season they picked Sophie Clark; and last season with Kim? Those people were so stupid; they paved that chick's way from start to finish. At least she had the chops and actually seemed to deserve it, but jebus.