Fuck yeah. Agreed, AMAZING season! I don't like Andrea, but she gets my appreciation for playing the game hard.
I realize it is pretty irrelevant, but I am going to nominate Eddie as an all-time fucking awful Survivor player. And yes, he gets down-graded even further in light of his performance given that he is in his prime, a 23 year old firefighter, and self proclaimed the prettiest person on the island. He is dumb as a coconut and has the social skill of a sea cucumber. When he is not getting dominated by 98 lbs women and Harvard nerds, he is giving up on challenges for donuts. Never seen someone do so little with so much. The guy is a disgrace and I wana punch him in his lispy mouth.
Brutul, I agree. Fans v Fav's is pretty much the best format for the show. Go Cochrane!