I can swear I read somewhere that they were planning to do a family survivor thing.. I mean it could have been one of those crazy dreams where you then wake up and live your life thinking it was a reality, but pretty sure I read it. I hope it will be good.
I also hope that finally, for the love of Christ and all that is holy, they realize the Hantz family has no place in survivor. Look Russell was a good player, but he wasn't a great player. He can't win, ever, ever, ever. In a million years the dude will never win. We throw Brandon on the show, and we're lucky the dude didn't murder people. If he was left to go after Phillip who knows what would've happened. Brandon wasn't jacked, but surely he was big enough to take down Phillip and possibly kill him. They're a shitty family, filled with shitty people, and they make the show shitty.
Boston Rob.. he's cool with me, but he's played the game a lot. Maybe one day they'll have Survivor: Seniors, but until then let some new people in.
Really kind of tired that there have been so many all-stars, returning players, favorites, etc. We need new people. Not just any new people, but real people. They need to stop casting hot blondes and buff dudes that they recruit and bring it back to the roots. Just get a whole bunch of people that apply and make it in, weirdos and all. That's what people want to see. I mean, I enjoy looking at the hot chicks.. and Brenda really did it for me this season.. but let's bring it back. Bring it back to telling people that if they were dying of thirst in the desert you wouldn't even give them a drop of water. That's some real shit.
Also, Malcolm looked retarded.