Every single person that goes on Survivor comes back from the show saying they didn't realize just how difficult it would be. Yet, people on the internet, all they can bitch about is how easy it is (or it has become). I am in the boat of saying that I don't think a lot of the hardships translate to TV.
Sure, there have been some years, where they seem to be getting much more food than other seasons, but I don't think it is something where you can appreciate both the mental and physical strain until you actually do it. Even the best player ever, Boston Rob, had a mental break down out there and almost removed himself from the game.
Thank god they give the women razors and a minimum amount of hygiene products. This is a TV show, for entertainment. Not some social experiment with the hippies from your college psych class. All that Survivor needs to provide is a level playing field and the most entertaining people they can find.