Survivor 26: Caramoan

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, his temper seems pretty even as long as he's able to convince himself he got voted out because he is a "huge threat" and the "head of the snake" rather than a prick that just made everyone around him miserable and paranoid. When the latter was suggested by Malcom at the TC, his Jimmies were pretty rustled. Won't be surprised if we see the Specialist a 3rd time in some future season. He's good television.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
This season is quickly becoming a classic. I wonder what would have happened if Eddie and Reynold had voted for Malcom and Malcom had voted for Eddie and the big alliance had all voted they way they planned so literally none of the votes counted. No real reason that they would have done that, but it would have been funny.

Two super physical challenges this week. If this continues then the power alliance NEEDS to get Malcom and Reynold out ASAP. They are pretty much unbeatable in physical challenges by anyone in this group. I think anyone in the majority alliance would be stupid to think of flipping until those two are gone. Either of them could win all the immunites and between them I don't see how either of them gets beat unless there is a puzzle hero.

I think that Cochrane and Andrea are the brains of the operation now. Unfortunately neither of them are very assertive and one of them needs to step up and lay down the law or this could turn into one of the biggest comebacks in survivor history for one of the three amigos.


Erik is pretty athletic and is always a threat in physical challenges. I think he'll switch though, and if they can grab Sherri or even Dawn they'll be in good shape. I bet Cochrane is the next to go.


Molten Core Raider
I'd bet that the Broliance is unable to pull the 2 over that they need...maybe 1, probably Andrea. Next one to go is Reynold or Malcolm.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Great episode.

I'm assuming since Andreas name was thrown around a lot, she'll flip over to the guys alliance, especially since she's already kinda close with Eddie. Then it just comes down to getting one more to flip, maybe erik since he voted for phillip? It'll probably come down to Andrea, Eddie, Reynolds & Malcolm in the final 4, and Andrea will convince Eddie and Reynolds to vote off Malcolm since nobody can beat him in the finals. ezpz Andrea wins the season.


Molten Core Raider
No way. I just can't see anyone other than Andrea flipping to the bros...UNLESS they find another idol and get immunity. That would give them a lot of leverage, and it's a plausible scenario. Failing that, I see them getting taken out one after another, and if anyone flips over to their side, that person will be mixed in.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Boooo. I hate it when I get attached to one player like that, it almost ruins the game for me when they are voted out and with Malcom, it was almost an inevitability. The shame is, there are good players left (primarily Cochran). As always in this scenario, five and six of the majority alliance had better wake up because potential allies are being picked off one by one now.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I respect the piss out of Malcom's game. the dude was always smiling and just having fun. Not sure why he stopped looking for the idol- yeah, Andrea was bird dogging him, but still, don't stop looking ffs. Sad to see him go, but it was the smart choice for the numbers-alliance and kudos to them for not being swayed by the broski-alliance.

Had to kind of laugh at Cochran when he was chest beating about winning challenges. He went from Woody Allen self-depricating humor to proclaiming himselfa challenge beast when really he got lucky with that scrolled-note-advantage. He had no idea what he was buying as lots of those items for bid were covered from sight so he can't really claim superior will and bidding strategy - just luck. See if that nerd-rage can carry him through to the final 3.

Actually hoping one of the 2 remaining amigos can overthrow The Cochran Beast for the next immunity challenge and go on a run to make things interesting.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know. I know Jeff pointed out that they were on the "outs" since day one and made it this far but honestly that's because Corrine and Malcom came in and took the two amigos in their alliance. I honestly don't think they are smart enough (especially Eddy) to navigate their way through this. Cochran right now is playing a brilliant game, he has control of everything but still is able to lay extremely low, as it seems any opposition is going towards Andrea.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I didn't really get why Malcolm stopped looking for the idol. Sure there's a chance Andrea would have found it before he did but there's no way that people are going to believe that he found it when she obviously caught him looking for it and he stopped looking. I also liked Malcolm's game. He fucked himself up early but he fought like hell and stayed in the game much longer than he should have. He also had a great attitude throughout as someone else mentioned and he looked like he was having fun and letting it all hang out.

I think Eric and Sherry made the right decision by not jumping ship. Doing so only got it to a tie and only if the others split the vote and you're keeping the biggest immunity threats in the game. I think some people might jump ship next week but Reynold really needs to go at the first opportunity. It looks like next week is a balance challenge which doesn't really favor the big strong dudes. A lot of time those are won by little chicks. I would love to see Andrea or Brenda win an immunity challenge.

Still rooting for Cochrane and Andrea. I would love to see the two of them in the finale. Neither of them seems like they would be all that great in a final TC though. Cochrane is clever and funny in confessionals but I'm not sure he's got the charisma to pull it off in real time. Reynold and Eddie have lost the brains of their operation. Sherry and Eric seem to think they're the bottom of the 6 which is probably true and if they join the two amigos they can get it to a tie, but I feel like everybody in the Cochrane/Andrea/Dawn/Brenda alliance is better at survivor than everybody else in the game aside from physical challenges.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Cochran right now is playing a brilliant game, he has control of everything but still is able to lay extremely low, as it seems any opposition is going towards Andrea.
Weren't they talking about targeting Cochran before the immunity challenge? I think he would've been the one they were gunning for had he not won.


Molten Core Raider
I didn't really get why Malcolm stopped looking for the idol. Sure there's a chance Andrea would have found it before he did but there's no way that people are going to believe that he found it when she obviously caught him looking for it and he stopped looking. I also liked Malcolm's game. He fucked himself up early but he fought like hell and stayed in the game much longer than he should have. He also had a great attitude throughout as someone else mentioned and he looked like he was having fun and letting it all hang out.

I think Eric and Sherry made the right decision by not jumping ship. Doing so only got it to a tie and only if the others split the vote and you're keeping the biggest immunity threats in the game. I think some people might jump ship next week but Reynold really needs to go at the first opportunity. It looks like next week is a balance challenge which doesn't really favor the big strong dudes. A lot of time those are won by little chicks. I would love to see Andrea or Brenda win an immunity challenge.

Still rooting for Cochrane and Andrea. I would love to see the two of them in the finale. Neither of them seems like they would be all that great in a final TC though. Cochrane is clever and funny in confessionals but I'm not sure he's got the charisma to pull it off in real time. Reynold and Eddie have lost the brains of their operation. Sherry and Eric seem to think they're the bottom of the 6 which is probably true and if they join the two amigos they can get it to a tie, but I feel like everybody in the Cochrane/Andrea/Dawn/Brenda alliance is better at survivor than everybody else in the game aside from physical challenges.
Malcolm did keep looking for the Idol, they just chose not to show it in the TV broadcast:

I agree about Eric and Sherry not switching being a good idea, but for a different reason. At this point in the game, anyone from that 6 alliance that would have flipped would have been assured to not win even if they got to the final 3 because the jury would have been a majority with people they turned on.

Andrea and Reynold are my 2 favorite remaining in the game now. I wouldn't be upset with Cochran winning but I've been turned off in recent episodes by his trash talk of other players. In his first season we never heard the end about how much he hated being bullied and pushed around and made fun of, but now he is non stop putting down his fellow players in his confessionals. I mean at least he isn't bullying people to their face, but it is still very hypocritical to me.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Oh I wanted to see how much pig brain Brenda ate too. Maybe she just took the one bite that they showed but she looked so damn hungry I halfway thought she was going to just eat it all. I think I would have in her position.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I agree about Cochran. I've been rooting for him some, but he's being a bit douchey lately which I doubt is his normal persona. It just doesn't become him.