it's hard to say watch so and so season, b/c then you need pre-requiste seasons to fully enjoy it.Like a few months ago, maybe, someone here did a rewatch of earlier seasons and ranked them. I have a couple of friends and this is only the 4th season they’ve watched. Trying to find that ranking again so we can watch together. My memory on specific seasons is crap. I remember individuals but not the whole thing surrounding their season
it's hard to say watch so and so season, b/c then you need pre-requiste seasons to fully enjoy it.
like to watch a season like s20 you practically have to watch it all
like you need to watch s19 to see the star of russell and how it ends as a carbon copy
then you have to watch s18 to see just how much an of utter retard JT is, and how he lucked himself into the win, how he is the ultimate idol retard on s20 and then later on s34
imo, it's great to start off w/ seasons that would later have survivor powerhouses
like s13
then you have to see the next season where steph and bobby come back and steph is a fucking ruthless bitchYeah that’s my problem trying to talk to them about this season. They have no pre reqs for these players so when I talk about their seasons they don’t know. Definitely want to show them Stephanie’s season where she’s the last standing on her tribe and there’s no merge date.
so happy sandra went out looking like a chump
I don't buy the "bitter jury, didn't deserve to win" thing. Whoever won played the best game for that season by definition. We all like people like Boston Rob because they're entertaining to watch, but most of the time that strategy doesn't work.
"You know how you got voted off and are lucky to even have a chance to get back in the game with this stupid edge of extinction ?"
"Well here's an extortion letter you can use to destroy someone's game who hasn't been voted out lol !!1!"
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Yeah, I don't think this thread goes back far enough from the Rerolled/FoH Survivor thread days, but I remember sucking Tony's dick after his win and saying what an underrated player he was. Then he played like a total dipshit in Game Changers and I really started to rethink my initial assessment.Man I really like Tony's game right now, but I think he has now put a gigantic bullseye on his back. If he doesn't continue getting immunity, it will be hard for him to win I think.