Swords and Boards - A Pantheon Guild


<Silver Donator>

Swords and Boards: Now Recruiting!​

Greetings, fellow adventurers and wayward souls! Bandwagon here, your fearless guild leader and master of all things shiny and pointy. I’m excited to announce the birth of our new guild: **Swords and Boards**! That’s right, folks—grab your sharpest sword, slap on your sturdiest board, and prepare to charge into Pantheon with all the grace of a drunken dwarf.

Now, let's talk recruiting. We're looking for brave souls to join our merry band of misfits, miscreants, and mildly insane. If you think you’ve got what it takes to dodge death (or at least make death look hilarious), then you might just have a spot in our ranks!

But don’t think this is some free-for-all. Oh no, my friends! We’ve got standards. And by “standards,” I mean we’re letting Foler Foler handle the applications. If you can survive his questionable sense of humor and complete disregard for your feelings, you’ll probably fit right in.

A couple of things to keep in mind before you apply:
1. **Wood Elf Rangers need not apply.** Seriously, we’ve got enough tree-huggers in this world. If you like prancing around with pointy ears and shooting arrows, go do it somewhere else.
2. **If you’re allergic to bad jokes, poor life choices, and copious amounts of ale, this might not be the place for you.** You’ve been warned.
3. **All applicants must bring snacks to the interview.** We’re a guild, not a charity. Foler gets hangry (Note - Foler has an extensive list of food allergies, but as long as you bring something with dickmeat you should be good).
4. **All applicants must be in good standing, and capable of standing, with the community (That means 2x legs and 2x feet).

So if you’ve got a sense of humor as sharp as your blade (and you’re not a Wood Elf Ranger), PM Foler a dick pic (any dick) and see if you’ve got what it takes to join **Swords and Boards**. We look forward to charging into battle with you—or at least tripping over each other on the way there.

Guild Leader and Professional Recruiter (In That Order)


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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>

Swords and Boards: Now Recruiting!​

Greetings, fellow adventurers and wayward souls! Bandwagon here, your fearless guild leader and master of all things shiny and pointy. I’m excited to announce the birth of our new guild: **Swords and Boards**! That’s right, folks—grab your sharpest sword, slap on your sturdiest board, and prepare to charge into Pantheon with all the grace of a drunken dwarf.

Now, let's talk recruiting. We're looking for brave souls to join our merry band of misfits, miscreants, and mildly insane. If you think you’ve got what it takes to dodge death (or at least make death look hilarious), then you might just have a spot in our ranks!

But don’t think this is some free-for-all. Oh no, my friends! We’ve got standards. And by “standards,” I mean we’re letting Foler Foler handle the applications. If you can survive his questionable sense of humor and complete disregard for your feelings, you’ll probably fit right in.

A couple of things to keep in mind before you apply:
1. **Wood Elf Rangers need not apply.** Seriously, we’ve got enough tree-huggers in this world. If you like prancing around with pointy ears and shooting arrows, go do it somewhere else.
2. **If you’re allergic to bad jokes, poor life choices, and copious amounts of ale, this might not be the place for you.** You’ve been warned.
3. **All applicants must bring snacks to the interview.** We’re a guild, not a charity. Foler gets hangry (Note - Foler has an extensive list of food allergies, but as long as you bring something with dickmeat you should be good).
4. **All applicants must be in good standing, and capable of standing, with the community (That means 2x legs and 2x feet).

So if you’ve got a sense of humor as sharp as your blade (and you’re not a Wood Elf Ranger), PM Foler a dick pic and see if you’ve got what it takes to join **Swords and Boards**. We look forward to charging into battle with you—or at least tripping over each other on the way there.

Guild Leader and Professional Recruiter (In That Order)
I already lead the forum Pantheon Pals guild. Sorry bro I’m gonna have to reject your application to request I join your guild.

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
You've been conscripted. Pack your shit
Listen I’ll do this but it’s gonna be a side gig to Pantheon Pals. I’m doing it because you’re a fren, not yet a Pal.


<Silver Donator>
Listen I’ll do this but it’s gonna be a side gig to Pantheon Pals. I’m doing it because you’re a fren, not yet a Pal.
Man I can't believe that worked. I'm only 3 chapters in, but "Big Dick Energy for Pussies" is already having a positive impact on my life.

I'm going to take my wife and her boyfriend to dinner tonight and try my new assertiveness out on the waiter. That fucker NEVER brings me my extra garlic naan. EXTRA MEANS EXTRA, RAMESH!
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Sores and bores. Strippers are overrated, gimme a depressed middle aged housewife for my complete heal rotation please.
  • 2Worf
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