May the aids be with you?That's it, let the gay flow through you...
You need to re-read this shit about 10 times and ask yourself, does it make sense?Does anyone know if Justin from the Site and does the Republic show on gamebreaker is he still there?
Meh, people afk'ing on fleet spreading the plague while earning the best event rewards (max stat crystals) was actually when I un-subscribed.So far only the rakghoul plague felt like a blizzard level event.
I don't disagree it was awful but at least Bioware tried...and it should have been a godsend for those who clamor for a chance to sit in one spot and farm slowly so they can chat with guild mates and those around. (See what I did there?)Meh, people afk'ing on fleet spreading the plague while earning the best event rewards (max stat crystals) was actually when I un-subscribed.
Id say its just ok. If what you want is to do the story line on some toon then its fine. I had quite a few points saved up from when I sub'd so I could buy some over priced things that made the game a touch better.Yea whatever the design mistake on how the plague spreads/rewards you, I have to second that the rakghoul event was the last time in TOR that I thought "hey, they do have some neat ideas, more of that might turn it around". Its been downhill for 3 months and then I quit in summer.
Is someone actually playing regularly and not paying a subscription? Is that bearable or just a tease to get you subbed? The game and especially the company arent worth $15 to me right now, but if I think it might be worth a look without paying up front I might DL it again the next time I'm bored for a day.