Pissed that after crushing through Nightmare on their first 2 raid zones, their "raiding fix" was a zone with less bosses than either of the first 2 zones and with no Nightmare at release. STILL no new planets have been added, simply too long to wait.I don't care where you stood 3 months after release, the question is where you stand NOW.
let me know when they put in anti-cheat / hax software and fix resolve. I did enjoy the pvp.I think you misunderstand what I'm getting at when I talk about this game. I am quite aware of its many flaws, probably more so than most people who are on this board and still play. It has changed since launch, and I'm not just talking about the switch to F2P. We're up to 1.6 now, and each patch has brought numerous improvements and additions to the game, in addition to the simple act of fixing shit that's broken. There is still a lot to do, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't recommend this game outright unless someone pressed me on the issue, but on the whole it offers a similar experience to that of its competitors. This includes WoW, which I believe might be taken as blasphemy and will likely garner me some negs, but I played WoW for two years through Vanilla and BC, right up until the Sunwell patch, which I no longer had time to play. When that time came back to me in '11, I picked it up once again, and got two characters to 85. I actually played both WoW and SWTOR during a time when SWTOR was quite obviously an inferior product, but SWTOR eventually won out because when I compared apples to apples, they weren't really that dissimilar. WoW has the polish, and it should after 9 years on the market, but at this point it's 90 levels of the same thing, over and over again. I think SWTOR has more potential, which I admit sounds lame but that's part of why I'm still around.
No one waits around for what's to come though, including me. The ultimate truth is that I enjoy SWTOR for what it is, right here, right now. If that weren't the case I wouldn't be playing it. But any bitching about the game as it stood at launch is just that, bitching. It really has no bearing on the here and now. It's like bitching about shit in NBA 2k12, months after 2k13 hits the shelves.
First, let me just say that I really enjoyed my time in swtor. The story and leveling experience were far greater than any mmo I've played to date. It's only until I reached endgame, leveling a couple toons to 50, that I saw what was missing from the game. I totally get moontayle's point, how futile it is to bitch about a version of the game when it has changed so much since.LadyVex_sl said:So I just logged into my preferred account today; I have a max character of every class on empire side, and since it's been awhile and I have no real ties to the game, I figured it was the best time to see the republic stories. If I could make it past level 26, that is.
The things that struck me immediately are how many buttons for paying are next to *everything*. It's also sort of interesting you have to pay for increased bag space, instead of just increasing the credit amount necessary - things like that seem silly. Or showing titles; I keep gaining titles that I can't show, despite being a founder and paying for the game. (Including relevantly enough the "founder" title.)
The thing that probably bugged me the most was not being able to use legacy stuff. My account has only been inactive since November, and with 4 max level characters I had a very high legacy level. Now preferred status and I can't access any of it. Feels bad man.
I'm just hoping someone emulates the game, makes the characters max level so you can just ignore all the filler and do nothing but story quests and romances. That is my dream.
Every person that I knew that didn't like the story in swtor I simply asked, "Did you play republic?" They all answered yes, haha.LadyVex_sl said:The republic stories aren't anything amazing; I knew that before. But I'm far enough removed from the amazing empire stories that I can appreciate being a smarmy jedi for awhile.
That is the same phrasing I was going to use for their next debacle. What could they do at this point to lower consumer confidence? That's right, fuck up the cartel market. Apparently the artwork for sets of gear displayed on the ctn looked different than what players received. I'm sure most people would preview the gear on their character before purchase and still purchased the gear. So what do they do? Change the gear to match the artwork, without prior notice. You can imagine the shitstorm on the forums. Paid for cosmetic gear changed... Initial response:Caeden_sl said:They gave Bioware a chance and they shit the bed.
He'spretty surethey can avoid a solution to force players to spend moremoney.Damion Schubert_sl said:We are pretty sure we can avoid a solution that forces players to spend additional cartel coins, and I'm not interested in letting a situation linger that leaves the player's faith in what we are offering on the cartel market in a reduced state. It is incredibly important to me, and the rest of the SWTOR team, that players have a high degree of confidence in the market as a whole, and how we deal with issues like this. This has been a learning experience for us, and won't happen again.
I take this back. Everyone is mad because they are fucking stupid. They advertise the wrong gear and then swap it out. Either way, everyone will be pissed off by the change. What's your initial response? We're kinda sorta sure we aren't gonna fuck you further by spending more money. At least they've made a simple resolution. At patch 1.7, if you have the set in your inventory you get both versions.Me_sl said:It seems like EA/Bioware can't do anything right, purely because everyone is pissed off at them.
Not true! With Lil'Ragnaros, I have unlimited access to a cooking fire on the go with no cooldown, whereas players without him have to wait 5 minutes or find an oven or campfire. Fucking OP gamebreaking money grab!!!Say what you will about Blizz, but so far zero store purchases have impacted gameplay. Again, a small and maybe trivial example, but smelled like a slippery slope test of the playerbase.
Now you're just bitching to bitch. NONE of those things you mention have ever been on the "Coming Soon" radar. They were things they wanted topotentiallyimplementin the future.If players/fans inquire about features mentioned way back (guild starships, free space, fucking chat bubbles) it's met with a, "Oh we can't say just quite yet, we're so super busy making this game super awesome and your wet dream come true." The second there's an issue with the precious cartel market they stand at attention. If this doesn't show where their priorities lie, I don't know what does. It's a sad day when I actually want Disney to step in and try and save this game.
They did avoid anyescalationto the issue, which they created themselves by being asshats. I gave them credit in my post for fixing the issue, if you read through all of my "bitching." None of those things I mentioned on the coming soon radar, huh? Hmm...Theydidavoid a situation where they would force players to spend more money. His follow up later on in the thread highlights how they're going to handle the issue.
Now you're just bitching to bitch. NONE of those things you mention have ever been on the "Coming Soon" radar. They were things they wanted topotentiallyimplementin the future.
So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!
1 years later: Pay money to unlock hotbars. LOL.UI customization ? You like choice. We hear you! SWTOR is all about choice. Being able to choose how you interact with an online game is something we feel is very important. We are going to be giving more control over the UI as an ongoing effort. This is a very big priority for us.
^this, even SWG (pre-NGE) handled the IP better, and they fucked it up royally as well.No, what is sad is how a company with nearly unlimited resources could fuck up a sure thing like Star Wars.